Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I can just about feel his mouth on mine. Fuck, he’s hot. I wish he was real. Should I go tomorrow? #midweektease #teaser #newrelease #MMromance

This week's teaser comes from Thursday August 23 MM romance release 
A Virtual Kiss
E.D. Parr

Hunky Nate Hathaway can’t resist the lure of private Virtual Reality rooms in a new Internet café that opens on the street where he works. He’s lonely and intrigued by the VR program offering a boyfriend experience. After only one date, Nate is hooked on Jason, the sexy, kind VR character.

Jason Graeme is the computer wizard behind the hot new VR programs. He’s a risk taker, smart and gorgeous. He’s also the body model for the boyfriend. A twist of fate brings Nate to his attention. Determined to meet dishy Nate, he reveals who he is.
Passion sizzles between the two men as they fall in love.

Trouble is Nate’s not the only guy in town who uses the boyfriend experience.

Read the midweek tease

“Hi, babe. It’s great to see you.” The guy greeted Nate and then kissed him.

Nate’s entire body went into meltdown. The kiss was so real he grabbed the VR man and pulled him close, crushing against him.

The man returned the kiss but gradually drew away. He held Nate’s hand and brought him to a table outside the café. “Let’s get coffee. Did you eat yet? You look tired.” He reached out a hand and swept gentle fingertips down Nate’s cheek.

Surprised at the comforting gesture, Nate closed his eyes for a second to soak up the touch. He opened them and gazed at his VR boyfriend. “I’d like to hear about your day. I’m not hungry, coffee’s fine.” What will I call him? Does he have a name or do I just assign him one? Hell, he is gorgeous.

A server brought coffee. “How lovely to see you again, Jason, and you’ve brought Nate along tonight. The usual for you both?”

Nate blinked under the beaming smile from her. How does it know my name? Must read the credit card or Cory keys it in when he sets the room going.

She placed their cups on the table.

Jason. Nate smiled at his VR man. Yeah. I like that—a mythical name for an unreal guy.

Jason locked his gaze with Nate’s. Attraction and desire flared unmistakably in the cobalt eyes.

Nate’s stomach clenched. He leaned a little forward to take in the affection from his boyfriend’s expression. Comfort, warmth, and gratitude mixed with the urgent need to kiss Jason again. He looked down at the table, unsure how to go on.

Jason stood and pulled his chair along next to Nate’s. He sat and slipped an arm around Nate’s shoulders. “Hey.” Jason held his jaw and lifted his head. “Kiss me.”

Nate looked into the blue eyes.

Jason’s lips met his. He merged his mouth on Nate’s in a soft press then lingered, dotting little kisses on Nate’s parted lips, before slipping his palm around Nate’s head and deepening the kiss.

Overwhelmed with the tenderness and sex in the kiss, Nate pulled away and stood. “I have to get back to work.”

Jason stood, too. He made a grab for Nate’s hand. “What, tonight? That’s unusual. Will I see you tomorrow?”

Nate stared at the gorgeous man, shocked at the realistic way Jason’s voice held need and worry. 

“Yes, of course. I better go now.” Unable to resist, he hugged Jason close. It was just as if he held a real man to his body. He soaked up the feel, let go of Jason, and strode to the wall where the door to the room had been. The VR scene provided a row of shops along the wall. As the dreamlike quality of the experience remained, Nate sighed and tried every one of the handles on the doors, until one swung inward and he charged out of it into the corridor. His credit card popped up from the device slot. Nate snatched it. He put it into his wallet as he walked the length of the corridor.

Cory drank coffee from a paper cup at his desk. He gave Nate a wave. “See you again.”

Nate passed him, dashed up the stairs, and raced along the corridor to the young woman’s desk at the entrance.

He called, “Good night,” walking quickly by her, and wove through the tables and computer desks until he pushed open the glass door and stepped into the evening air.

Nate froze in the cool breeze. He breathed deep. This was real. The café building behind him was cream brick, chrome, and dappled glass, the bank over the street serious gray stone blocks with an ATM inserted along one wall. Nate stalked along the sidewalk glad of the traffic nearby, happy with the occasional blast of carbon monoxide until he reached the entrance to the subway. He went down to the platform.

On the train home, he gazed ahead as he hung from a ceiling strap surrounded by late commuters. It’s as if I’ve been with a real person. I can just about feel his mouth on mine. Fuck, he’s hot. I wish he was real. Should I go tomorrow?

Copyright E.D. Parr 2018 Evernight Publishing, releasing Thursday August 23

Find other E.D. Parr stories on Evernight 
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Life is a never-ending party and there’s always a hot guy or two willing to play. #new #MMromance #gayromance @GaleStanley @ChangelingPress

PARTY ANIMAL by Gale Stanley
Roosters 6

Casey Cox is a porn star legend. Life is a never-ending party and there’s always a hot guy or two willing to play. Then Casey meets the one man who isn’t interested and suddenly it’s a challenge he can’t resist.

Get your copy at Changeling Press.

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave myself an eight out of ten. All those late nights were finally taking a toll. Would I give them up? Hell no! Life was a never-ending party, and the guest list changed every day. I liked it that way. Variety is the spice of life after all.

But right now, I needed to do damage control. I read somewhere that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. If that was true then my soul must be puffy, wrinkled, and bloodshot. It wasn’t a good look. Thank God for eye drops. A few in each eye made my whites pop. I practiced my sultry green stare in the mirror. Not bad, but the bags had to go. I reached for the Preparation H and applied it liberally. My sister swears by the stuff.

I’d showered and shaved at home, but my hair needed a redo. My trademark look is a messy bedhead, black locks flying every which way. I don’t like to disappoint the fans and it’s easy enough to get the look. It’s all about a good haircut and a few styling tricks, like gel.

I stepped back from the mirror to check out my body. No problems there. Six feet, two inches of lean muscle thanks to an exercise routine that keeps me camera ready. No matter how late I go to bed, I wake up early and use the small gym in my apartment building. A good workout always makes me feel better. Today, we’re shooting early, so I did a short routine, just long enough to break a sweat and get my blood pumping. Then it was SSME, and I’m not talking kinky sex. Shower, shave, moisturize, enema. I like to be clean for the close-up shots.

Yeah, I bare it all, but it’s all for the sake of art. I’m not kidding. One of my first jobs when I came to LA was as an artist’s model. At first, because of my strict upbringing, I was uncomfortable posing nude, but eventually I realized that the human body is a beautiful thing. It was a liberating experience.

Today, I’ve convinced myself that filming is an art form. There are thousands, maybe millions of guys out there staring at my naked body. What I do prompts an emotional response and gives them pleasure, just like other art forms. Art is in the eye of the beholder, after all. It’s one hell of an ego trip.

Check out all the books in the Roosters series:

Author Bio and Links

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.
Some things never change.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

“It’s my fault. I asked you to make it as real as possible. I started this,” he waved his hand around, “this kissing.” #midweektease #MMromance

In this week's #midweektease 
Love on Show
MM romance

Caer raced in the direction Justin had walked. He exited the studio. He caught sight of Justin rounding the corner of a building at the back of the lot and ran after him.

“Justin, hey, wait.”

Justin either didn’t hear or ignored his shout.

Caer sped around the building and had to stop quickly.

Justin leaned on the building with his head bowed.

Caer tried to see his face, and bent his head, asking Justin gently, “What’s wrong?”

“Not a thing, except that you’re coming on to me all the time—kissing me open mouthed, pushing your dick against me—I can’t handle it.”

Amazed, Caer stepped away. “I’m sorry. I was only trying to put passion out there, make the show real. I’m so sorry.” Anxiety sped through him. He wondered if he’d read the situation totally wrong. Sorrow that he’d upset Justin made his voice crack as he apologized again.

Justin lifted his head. His blue eyes cloudy with pain, he nodded. “It’s my fault. I asked you to make it as real as possible. I started this,” he waved his hand around, “this kissing.

Unable to help it, a smile sprang on Caer’s lips. “It’s in the script. Our characters fall in love, they’re lovers.”

“But we’re not, and,” Justin heaved a breath, “it feels as if we are.”

Concerned, Caer watched as Justin slumped a little. He stepped closer. Face to face with him he whispered, “Do you want us to be? I know you got an erection in the last scene. That was real. Guys don’t get them for other guys unless—”

Justin cut him off. In a sudden move, he grabbed Caer around the head and kissed him hard.

Caer returned the kiss. He reveled in it, softening the merge of their lips, sighing into Justin’s mouth as they breathed apart for a second and then their lips met again. Tenderness overwhelmed Caer. He ran his hands down Justin’s hips and palmed the actor’s cock that pushed against the fabric of his pants. Lust rose in him as he pressed against Justin. Neither had put on their shirts and Caer’s heart pounded as his skin touched Justin’s. 

Copyright E.D.Parr , 2018 Evernight Publishing

Buy the book
Love on Show

Dishy Justin Harper plays gay bad boy, Brandon in a TV show that’s fast becoming a cult classic, but Justin hides the fact he’s gay in real life. When a new actor is cast to play his TV show love interest, Justin can’t deny the raging attraction he feels for gorgeous Caer Rossi.
Caer Rossi makes it clear he thinks Justin is smoking hot. He can’t wait for the kissing scenes, and they sizzle, but underneath the performance for the TV show, a deep, loving passion builds between the two men. Something has to give, but what and who will it be when a journalist threatens to ruin Justin’s perfectly crafted public persona?

 on launch special price at Evernight
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