Saturday, October 29, 2016

Advance preview #teaser Wren and Deverel #MMromance #mystery @EncompassInk

Advance preview  #teaser 
Wren and Deverel

A friends to lovers, MM romance, erotic, detective mystery
Releasing December 10 from Encompass Ink

 He smiled and the dimple appeared in his left cheek where Lucian had often forced himself not to plant a kiss.

Lucian hadn’t been this close to Beau, ever, and he soaked up the sight of Beau’s green eyes and perfect lips. Beau’s body was so close, his smile so endearing, Lucian couldn’t speak another word.
Lucian closed his eyes as a mixture of anxiety and lust threatened to overwhelm him. With Beau crushed against him, he pressed his back against the wall of the small closet trying to put a space between their bodies. To his horror, his cock stirred and an erection started. He tried to will it away, but as Beau raised a hand, pushed it over his shoulder, and leaned on the wall, enclosing him in intimacy, Lucian lost the battle. His cock strained against his pants and his heart hammered.

Beau’s face was so close now, and his voice a murmur.
“Lucian, I have this nagging urge to kiss you. Is that awful? I don’t know what I’m thinking of. Sorry. ”

Lucian’s stomach clenched as desire burned through his balls. “Do you? Do it. Kiss me.”
Copyright Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Snippet Sunday with #MMromance from @EncompassInk #gayfiction #teaser

When Chris Falconer receives an email from his lost high school friend, Justin, ten years after he last saw him, Chris is overjoyed. The two boys had shared kisses and sworn love for each other, but before their love could be tested, Justin’s mother abruptly took Justin out of school, and they disappeared.
Multi-talented and handsome Chris is a cage fighter at Jack’s Clubhouse, and the Dungeon Master in the Candy Apple club. He writes a column for a fitness blog and keeps himself busy, but deep down he’s never forgotten Justin—turns out Justin has never forgotten Chris either.
On a modeling assignment in New York, Justin sees Chris in a café and can’t help contacting him, but his ex, Todd, who doesn’t want Justin but doesn’t want Chris to have him either, has plans to throw their reunion into disarray.
So begins a love story full of emotion. Will Todd succeed? Or this time, will Justin and Chris have the happy ending and delicious love they deserve?
Read the Teaser
Thoughts tumbled in Chris’s head. He considered what Justin had told him about Todd, the ex-boyfriend, and he couldn’t help wanting to give the guy a taste of his own medicine. I’m sure it was him in the audience last night, and more than likely it was him in the gray Pontiac. Be interesting to see what the idiot does next. Justin doesn’t need to know this ... he’s had enough stress in his life...
Justin pressed his thigh along Chris’s leg.
It woke Chris from his introspection. He turned to Justin. The look in Justin’s eyes sent a jolt of sexual attraction all the way through Chris’s body. He smiled. “I can’t wait...,” he whispered, not finishing the sentence deliberately.
They hurried out of the cab and into Chris’s apartment. Chris knocked the door closed with his foot as Justin grabbed his head and swooped on his mouth in a hungry kiss.
Justin broke away to breathe and whisper, his face against Chris’s. “I want to be with you. I want to make up for all the years I thought about you, and all the times I started to find you, then stopped, thinking you’d have moved on or wouldn’t want to see me.”
“You found me. You have nothing to make up for. We’re together now. I couldn’t be happier. I want you in my life. I want you in my bed.” Chris pushed his arms around Justin’s waist and pulled him closer. He kissed Justin softly between phrases. “I want you naked with your cock rammed against me. I want to suck the cum right out of you and hear you moan. I want to wake up with you and hold you close. I want to share life with you. Please believe this. I never got over you.”
Justin stepped away from him. He dragged off his jacket and T-shirt gazing into Chris’s eyes.
His heart racing, Chris pulled off his own shirt.
Justin practically leapt into his arms and hugged him so tight it took Chris’s breath away. He smiled and gasped. He trailed kisses down Justin’s neck and nuzzled in the soft part of his shoulder breathing in the light cologne fragrance on his skin, and enjoying the more potent masculine scent as he sucked.
Justin grasped a handful of his hair and tugged to raise Chris’s head. “Kiss me.”
Copyright Elodie Parles 2016 Encompass Ink
Buy the book
Available on all Amazon sites and also available on kindle unlimited
Hawk v Falcon is a second chance romance and that thrilled me since that is one of my favorite tropes! This story is wonderfully sexy without being over the top but that is not all it is.

Chris and Justin connect in a super charged way. The game of cat and mouse with these two is fantastic. Though it's charged, it's like the refreshing rush you feel with a static charge. I hope that makes sense. They felt on the cusp of exploding and that made their moment just right.

Elodie Parkes is unique in her writing because she really makes her readers work for that HEA. You're not 40% into the book and they are all lovey dovey and you have to endure fluff for the next 60% of the time. No no no! That's not how this works.

This became a very emotional book. Justin's past is utterly heartbreaking and the last decade hasn't been easy for him. Now, after all that; Justin's crazy ex-boyfriend is hellbent on removing Chris from Justin's life. I told you it wouldn't be easy.

This is a suspenseful, emotional, love story. Elodie Parkes truly knocked it out of the park in all the areas here. I recommend this book completely!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Cherry County Cowboys, Chaps, #western #MMromance from @EvernightPub and @JulesofTripleR

Rising rodeo star Nate O’Neill never expected to be living in a small Nebraska ranching town waiting for his rodeo brother to recover from a vicious ride. His unplanned stop steers him into the arms and bed of local celebrity, Tennessee Reed. Soon he questions what thrills him more—the rodeo or Tenn. Forced to face his reckless past, he’s reminded that relationships can cause damage far worse than any bull ride … and maybe he’s headed for the same suffering again.
Professional football draft-pick Tennessee Reed returns home emotionally shattered by the unexpected passing of his father who left Tenn with a hereditary secret buried in his chest. He might be dying inside, but when Nate walks into his life all Tenn’s troubles seem to disappear into those hazel eyes and he’s never felt more alive. Will Tenn follow the cowboy wherever life leads? Or will he protect his heart and watch those fringed leather chaps ride away?

I slid my eyes up from his boots. His chaps elongated his muscular legs and emphasized his compact waist. The leather vest, worn over a black checkered long sleeved shirt, defined his firm chest, and then I skimmed my eyes up to his face. Our eyes connected, I absorbed an intensity of attraction I’d never experienced. Disturbing and unyielding, and yet, satisfying. His eyes searched my face, his eyebrows bent in and his eyes landed on my lips, but he didn’t move. He hurt from both my behavior this morning and his overindulgence at the bar, but he still gave me his strength through his desire-pooled hazel eyes.
“I’m sorry about last night … this morning.” I choked out the words. “If you’re willing to give me a second chance, I’d like to have you over to my place. Tonight for dinner and a movie. No expectations. Just you and me getting to know each other better.” I rambled the short phrases while my heart banged against my chest. My brain tangled with all the words. The hangover affected me, but asking him on a date spun my head like one of those questionable carnival rides that came through town for the Cherry County Fair and Rodeo in August every year.
Tilt-o-Whirl or Octopus or whatever it is called, this is both worse and better.
He lifted our hands and showed me how his fingers had turned a ghostly white. I loosened my grip.
He stretched his pinking fingers. “You’re sure? I’ve never done the boyfriend thing. And I’m getting a pretty clear message that maybe you’re in the same wagon, but unless you’re givin’ this a real go—and not just to get in my Levis—I’m not in, Tenn.”
I dropped his hand and he tried to shuffle back. Sliding my fingers into the fringe of his chaps, I guided him in between my legs. My heart ticked slower, with more purpose. “You’re right. I don’t have a lot of experience with the bona fide relationship thing with a guy. A few have been repeats in my bed, but not one has made a repeat performance across from me at a meal and none have ever gotten inside my head or heart.” I dragged him closer. “But since last night, I can’t get you out of my head. I’m 100% in, Mustang. Let’s take whatever this is between us for a long ride.”
He dropped his lips to mine. The kiss that I’d been craving since I watched him drive away early this morning. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and dug my nails deep into the pockets of his Wranglers.
Moments like this existed for a reason, so we felt alive.

Author Bio
Fuzzy sock collector, martini connoisseur, baseball fanatic, and dandelion lover, author Jules Dixon is a living testament to the genius of sugar and caffeine being able to keep a human alive. She's addicted to everything related to the amazing emotion of love, probably instigated by her own happily ever after of 25 years with her beer-brewing hubby. Their own love story created a sassy, artistic daughter and a computer genius but ultra-sarcastic son.
Jules explores the rich psychology of sexuality, choices, and conflicts of high school, college, and young adult characters with sizzle and humor in her novels and novellas. She's a busy writer, and she loves it!

Jules Social Media Links

Friday, October 7, 2016

Yay release day for #MMromance 'A Forever Kind of Thing' @EncompassInk Will’s eyes held warmth, affection, and desire.

Businessman Will has hoped to meet musician Josh for so long, he’s astonished and elated when Josh finally notices and pursues him at one of the band’s gigs.
After a heady night of love, Josh is devastated when Will turns out to be a millionaire. He’s not a hustler. He couldn’t take and he couldn’t compete. He retreats into his music.
Will is sure they could have something special and tries to prove his love for Josh in the only way he knows how. Trouble is—it’s the wrong way.
Josh is shocked to discover he can’t forget Will.
They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching.
But Josh is running in the opposite direction as Will longs to love him.
Can love triumph?

Read a teaser:

Josh saw Will at one end of the bar and his heart leapt. Flutters started up in his stomach and he took a deep breath trying to steady himself. The encounter had rocked him to the core. He’d never in his wildest dreams expected to feel the way he did about a man whose name he still didn’t know. I want to, though. I want to know all about him. I want him in my life, and from the way he responded, he wants me bad. That’s great. I need it.
He watched the play of emotions cross Will’s face as he approached and stood close.
“Hi. I’m Josh Winters and you are…?” He grinned mischievously.
“Will—Will Trenton.” Will’s eyes held warmth, affection, and desire.
A spark of recognition lit in Josh’s mind. “That’s a familiar name, but I wouldn’t have been able to put a face to it. Are you famous or something?” He gestured to the bartender.
“A beer thanks—and for you?” He gave Will a tender look designed to tell the guy he liked him a lot.
“The same but let me … let me get them.”
Josh shook his head. “We have a tab.”
He saw a look of worry flit through Will’s eyes.
“It’s really okay, Will.” Josh moved even closer to Will. The toe of one boot touched the toe of Will’s. He gazed into Will’s eyes. Time slowed for Josh. This man was even more attractive close up with his handsome face lit by the bar’s sparkling white downlights. He took in the shade of stubble and wanted to bite Will’s chin. He ached to grab Will and thrust his tongue between those perfect lips. He recalled the way Will’s thick hair had felt as he grasped a handful. Softness filled his stomach. He didn’t know if this was love, but it sure was tenderness.
Copyright Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink

Buy the book on Amazon
Available on all Amazons and kindle unlimited
Enter the giveaway via the rafflecopter
The winners for each prize will need to provide their kindle email address.
Prize one: A kindle copy of Love Unmasked and a kindle copy of Hawk v Falcon

Prize two: A kindle copy of Heart in Chains

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Beautiful Lie #MMromance from @Robin_Badillo and @evernightpub Someone has a secret

     A Beautiful Lie by Tyler Robbins 

Be Warned: m/m sex, frottage, rimming

       Jesse Reagan has had more than his share of tragedy, and he may have been dealt another blow when, once again, cancer threatens the sister who raised him. Faced with the possibility of being left behind, Jesse vows to care for her young son, though he’s not convinced he can.

     When Trip Cantrell returns to town, he’s blindsided the instant he’s reunited with his kid brother’s lifelong friend, Jesse. His inability to find happiness in the years he’s been gone, suddenly makes sense. Love’s been waiting at home all along.
     Life begins to look promising, except for the fact that neither have come out of the closet publicly, and that’s not even their biggest problem. Someone has a secret so shocking they may never find a way past it.
     Will they be accepted in their small Texas town, or will secrets, lies, and the threat of tragedy destroy everything?
     Some small towns just aren’t meant to hold big secrets.


     Trip could feel the tension radiating from the other man. Following his instincts, he gripped Jesse’s shoulder and squeezed. “You’re not alone you know. If you ever want to talk or need help with anything, let me know.”
     Jesse turned his head, shocking the hell out of Trip by leaning in to where Trip held his shoulder, slightly brushing his cheek against Trip’s fingers.
     Trip tightened his grip, savoring the feel of Jesse’s skin touching his. Was he imagining it?
     Jesse slowly lifted his chin as his green eyes, darkening by the second, settled on Trip.
     Trip’s heart raced, and his hardening cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. Was this really happening?
     He inched closer, inhaling deep, losing himself in the aroma of Jesse’s quite memorable cologne. He swallowed hard, his lips tingling at the thought of Jesse’s mouth on his.
     Jesse’s chest rose and fell, his breathing grew louder by the second, infiltrating Trip’s mind until his own breaths caught up, matching Jesse’s pants breath for heated breath. Jesse’s eyelids lowered to half-mast, his desire obvious as fuck.
     Trip reacted on instinct alone, no thinking, just doing. He pulled Jesse closer until their lips were centimeters apart. Jesse’s exhales warmed Trip’s skin.
     The night went silent the instant Jesse’s soft lips grazed Trip’s.
     Seconds felt like hours until Trip engulfed Jesse’s mouth all together. With hungry sweeps, Trip dove deeper, sucking, and tangling his tongue with Jesse’s. He cupped the back of Jesse’s neck, and held on as their mouths warred for dominance over the other.
     Trip gasped when Jesse’s wandering hand discovered his erection through his jeans. “Fuck.”
     Hot air poured over Trip’s neck as Jesse’s kisses blanketed his throat.
     “I’ve wanted to do that all night.” Trip splayed his fingers through Jesse’s silky, black hair, hoping against hope Jesse would move his mouth lower.
     Jesse fumbled with the buttons on Trip’s shirt, and plucked the first few open. He worked his way across Trip’s chest, circling Trip’s erect nipples with his warm, wet tongue. “Shit, Jesse.” Trip struggled to catch his breath.
Everything was so intense, moved so fast, Trip could hardly tell if it was real.
     He leaned Jesse back, seizing the few stolen moments he hoped were actually happening. His kisses grew heavier, and his need increased. He’d take it as far as Jesse would let him. He had no choice. Please let this be real.

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TRS short link:

Robin Badillo and her pseudonym, Tyler Robbins, is a down to earth mother of four, born and raised in a small Texas town where she still resides with her family, a pack of spoiled dogs and two snobby cats.
     After years of being a wife and mom, complete with company picnics and fundraisers for the P.T.A., Robin found herself starting over when her husband of fifteen years suddenly passed away in 2006. With no particular skills to speak of, Robin took the advice of friends and family, and followed her heart and passion for writing into the publishing world.
     A fan of paranormal and southern romance novels, Robin does her best to offer up a plethora of tasty morsels to satisfy her reader’s appetite. Whether mainstream and/or paranormal erotic romance or Tyler’s LGBT romance line, Robin strives to create characters who are endearing and relatable.
     Adversity is Robin’s motivation, which explains why she’s a true believer that grey hair is simply God’s graffiti.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Today #MMromance from Meg Amor and @loveunleashed 'Hawaiian Orchid'

From author, Meg Amor and Loose ID

Explosive heat makes sparks fly as two wounded men learn to trust and find a home for their shrapnel-laced souls. 
Hawaiian Orchid

Kulani is “The Orchid,” a young, insecure, pro-surfer who comes from a rough background on the Big Island of Hawai’i. He’s Beau Toyama’s cousin from Hawaiian Lei. But he’s also a healer and has a heart as deep as the ocean he’s part of. Like the great Hawaiians, who have gone before him, warrior Kulani Mahikoa epitomizes the spirit of aloha and love. Kulani’s not only healing his own wounds, but “The Lost Boys”—young, homeless, abandoned and abused gay boys he’s taken under his wing.

Rob Masterson is a wounded psychologist who’s trying to come to terms with his husband Tony’s death. When he died, they were separated but still living together. Can the lone and lonely New Zealand widower reconcile all the pieces of guilt and love, to heal and fall in love again? When he drops anchor in Kona Harbor and meets the exotic islander—young, bolshie Kulani—explosive heat makes sparks fly between them.

Is the age difference between them a barrier or something they’ll get past? Kulani has more layers than Rob ever bargained for. And Rob’s tangled knot of responsibility, grief and guilt with his New Zealand heritage and past life is something he needs to untangle.

Two wounded men have to learn to trust and love one another. Traveling between the South Sea Islands of beautiful New Zealand and the exotic Hawaiian Islands—they forge a sea change, finding a home for their shrapnel laced souls.

Hawaiian Orchid by Meg Amor
Edited by Heather Hollis
Cover Art by Syneca Featherstone
Published by Loose Id, LLC
All Romance Books ARe:
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Read an excerpt:
“Are you always this stroppy? Or only on a good day?” 

“What do you mean?” he says, all attitude. 

Jesus Christ, gorgeous he might be, but with the chip on his shoulder the size of a log, it’s more work than I need right now. 

“There’s the door.” I indicate with my head. “See yourself out.” 

“You really want me to go home?” he says despondently. 

I sigh. “Kulani, you’re so damn prickly, it’s like having a cactus shoved up my arse every two seconds.” 

He runs his fingers through his long, curly black hair, sweeping it back with one hand, and digging his other one into his back pocket. I’d love to take him to bed, but this isn’t worth it. Too much attitude, too many issues. If I’m not picking prickles out of my skin, I’ll be treating myself for burns. He’s a lot of work. 

“I’m sorry.” He shrugs. Even that has “fuck you” attitude. I’m past the age where I feel like babysitting someone. 

I walk over and place my hand on his shoulder. “You’re stunning, but I’m too old for you.” 

He drops his head, and I mentally exhale, waiting for the next bite from him. But when he looks up, he has tears in his eyes, and my heart takes a direct hit. 


“You don’t really like me, do you?” he asks, biting his lip, eyes cast down. 

“You’ve got an abrasive personality. I feel like I’ve been rubbed raw this evening. It’s like being in a boxing match.” 

His shoulders slump, and I have to hold myself back from pulling him into my arms. I don’t need this sort of energy in my life. There’ll be tantrums and fights…hurt feelings over stupid things… 

His hand comes up and rubs mine on his shoulder. He needs the touch, the connection with another human. I recognize that feeling. But this is inviting trouble, even for a quick fuck and one-night stand. I could do with the sex, but not the aftermath of spiky energy. 

His breathing is up and down, as he’s trying to get himself under control. Fighting emotions, no doubt. Bugger it. He’s tugging at my bloody heart for some reason. That’s probably why I blurt out, “Come sail with me tomorrow. We’ll go over to Maui.” 

For a split second, all the aggression falls away, and I get to see the vulnerable kid underneath. I shouldn’t really call him a kid. At twenty-five, he’s an adult, but still half my age. He squeezes my hand, and I take that as a yes. 

“Meet me down at the boat about seven. Bring coffee from Lava Java. I’ll bring everything else.” 

“Can we make it eight?” 

God, he can’t even get his arse out of bed and be there early for an invitation. But I give in, nodding. 

“Okay,” he says, tough-guy stance back in place. Oh to be that young and stupid again. 

Speaking of stupid. What the hell am I doing inviting him out again tomorrow, when all I want to do is throw him out the door? Beautiful, yes, but the attitude leaves a lot to be desired. If I had to take a wild stab in the dark, I’d say he’s sitting on a ton of hurt. Layers and layers of it. He’s so bloody bolshie and oppositional, I’m exhausted from the evening. I like a decent intelligent convo with someone, interplay back and forth. The opportunity to get to know someone more. Flirt a little, or a lot. I’m probably too old-fashioned and been out of the game too long, but I need something different than what he’s after. 

Then he throws his energy, and I get sideswiped again. “Don’t I get a kiss good night?” he says, raw sex appeal oozing from him, and I nearly grab him by his shirt to yank him to me. Now I’m fighting to control my breathing. “Please,” he says so softly I wonder if I’ve heard it right. 

What a mix he is—seething rage, the log on his shoulder bashing me in the head all night. Then he becomes so vulnerable, it’s like someone rubbing balm into my abraded skin. His own version of BDSM, just done in a mental fashion. I amuse myself for a moment, thinking of a safe word I could use. Fun. That would be a good word. It’s the least likely word I can think of for this evening so far. 

No, it’s not my thing. I wrote a paper for uni once and interviewed people in the scene. I probably know enough to be dangerous, but not enough for anything else. 

I look at his eyes, the fragility. He’s asking me to not reject him, but I also see the humiliation at having to ask, to beg. I do my best internal Bogart voice. Buckle in, schweetheart, this could be a rough ride. 

I stroke his face with my free hand, and his lips tremble. No, no, no…straight to my cock. Direct hit. 



He comes in toward me, and I let him. His full lips touch mine, and my hand automatically reaches for his waistband, pulling him closer. I slide my arm around his waist and palm his arse, pressing him into my groin. He’s rock hard; his erection rubs mine. He lets out a long, slow groan of desire, and I know I’ll have a hard time sending him home. I fist my hand into his hair, and he nips at my mouth before sliding his tongue between my lips, grinding his cock into me. 

He yanks my tank over my head. His hand cups the back of my neck, and he nuzzles me, moaning softly in my ear. A tug at my earlobe sends sharp spikes of desire into my groin. 

“Fuck me,” he groans. 

I grunt, straining to breathe; spasms of deep need ripple through my body. Oh, screw this. I spin him around and push him over the kitchen bench, pulling his tank over his head and discarding it. Spread before me is an enormous but delicate-looking orchid stem and flower tattoo that covers half his back. In scripted writing, The at the top of the flower, then warriorstrength, and bravery are tucked in around the huge bloom and stem. It moves with his muscles and is surprisingly sexy for a guy. I’ve noticed he has an orchid on his left foot too. I wonder what it means. 

Later. Right now, I want a different type of exotic. I yank his shorts down with his underpants to lightly nip and lick his buttocks. Reaching between his legs, I feel the prize he’s offering. Nice and thick, uncut, already spurting lube, a rock-hard erection, and tight, firm balls. Curly black pubic hair too, which I like. Can’t stand the shaved look. I like my men to be masculine. I’m a huge fan of vintage porn for this reason. They’re not all ripped and buffed. Just regular, fit guys with lovely cocks and decent, thick pubes. 

He spreads his legs, holding his cheeks apart, and I probe his brown pucker with my tongue. With his Hawaiian heritage, his skin’s smooth and he’s brown all over, no tan marks, even on his nicely rounded bum. He’s sensuous and moves in a sexy, fluid way. 

I pump his dick with my hand, and he vibrates with need. It’s a turn-on. 

“Fuck me hard,” he begs me again. 

Jesus… I want him too much. 

I slide up his back, licking his salty skin, enjoying the hard muscles under my tongue that only a waterman has naturally. Not overly done. 

“Stay,” I whisper in his ear. “Back in a minute.” 

Copyright © Meg Amor