Wednesday, June 7, 2017

This week #MWTease #teaser and #coverreveal for #MMromance Given Time @parr_books

This week the teaser and cover reveal is for E.D.Parr's June 23 release with Evernight Publishing
Given Time
Given Time
Music video maker, Angel Starc is about to board a plane to Paris when he receives some sudden sad news. It takes him hurrying back to his childhood home after two years away, estranged from his older brother, Rory.
Angel is amazed and filled with guilt when that night he meets the only man he’s found romantically attractive in a long time. How can it be right? He should only be filled with sorrow, but gorgeous, caring Matt Loewe wraps him in a blanket of comfort and love that heals Angel’s troubled soul. 
Delectable, artist, Matt Loewe, follows his hunches and his heart. He’s been looking for love and Angel ignites an addictive passion in him.
As the two men fall deep in love they provide each other with the care needed to come to terms with their past anxieties. 
A delicious love story with HEA
Releases June 23

Read the teaser

Finally, when no one was in sight, Angel exited his car and strode across the street. He punched in the last PIN he knew for entry through the gates. A flicker of surprise made him raise his eyebrows as the gates swung open. He’d expected Rory to have changed the code. Angel walked in and closed the gates behind him. He’d use another entrance for the car. He didn’t want to crush the flowers and wreaths. Angel walked around the house to the side entrance. His heart pounded inexplicably as he unlocked the door and went into the short corridor. Rory’s muddy boots lay strewn on the floor and Angel bent to straighten them, placing them upright alongside the tall, whitewashed vase that served as an umbrella stand. He passed the coat hooks where an old sheepskin jacket hung. It reminded him of walks with Rory along the riverbank.

Angel turned into the kitchen. It shone with chrome and spotlessly clean, pale granite countertops. He walked around it. The antique oak table used as a kitchen meeting and eating place held a small bowl of mandarins. He checked the larder for instant coffee. After putting water to boil in the electric kettle, Angel walked around the downstairs rooms. Nothing had changed since he was last in the house. It made his heart ache. He went up the backstairs to the studio extension. The same cold smell of clay and expectation wafted around the main workroom. The skylight was open and he wound the handle on the wall below to close it. A smattering of rain had slipped in through the narrow rectangular opening and patterned the tiled floor beneath with wet stars.

Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing


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  1. Fab snippet, and congrats on the upcoming release. Great cover!

  2. Intriguing tease :-)

  3. Great teaser and great cover!

  4. Stories with the theme of "You CAN go home again" are so popular. This sounds like a good one.
