Wednesday, October 4, 2017

There was something so addictive about being close to Karl #midweektease #MMromance #MWTease

From October upcoming Evernight Publishing release
MM romance PNR

Liam Hale can’t believe his luck when he meets the man of his dreams, Karl Oberon.

Read the #midweekteaser

The night remained warm long after the sun had set. Liam stood on the patio with a turkey sandwich that he’d made in a hurry. It was already late. The work he wanted to finish took way longer than expected and he’d stopped for bread rolls at a twenty-four hour store. He turned over the idea of dashing out to the bar. The lure of seeing Karl stole his appetite as butterflies started in his stomach. He put his plate on the garden table and wandered down the path. 

At the end of his tiny garden he turned and stared up into the sky. There wasn’t much to see up there. Only the brightest stars twinkled through the light pollution from the city. The moon was pale. Liam bent his head recalling the way Karl had left so swiftly after the sex they’d shared. It wasn’t unknown. Guys often took and run. Liam did it, too, so he couldn’t point any fingers, except that the encounter with Karl had been different this time for him. There was something so addictive about being close to Karl.

He walked back to the patio door and scooped up the plate with his half-eaten sandwich on it. He dropped it on the sink unit as he passed through the kitchen. He’d thrown his jacket on the back of the couch when he came home from work. He snatched it up and checked his keys were in his pocket. Liam knew he wouldn’t sleep unless he’d verified Karl was or wasn’t at the bar. Sleep didn’t come easy to Liam anyway.

Wednesday wasn’t usually a night Liam would go to the bar. Surprised by the crowd, he wove through the groups and couples, raking the faces with a hopeful gaze for the sight of Karl. A space opened up in the two people deep clamor at the bar, and Liam slipped in. Milo and two other regular bartenders dashed from one end to the other serving. Karl was crammed in the corner by the wall holding a beer. Liam’s heart gave a thud. He stared at Karl willing him to look his way.

Magically, Karl turned, and his eyes met Liam’s.

Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing October release, date to be announced 

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