Monday, April 30, 2018

He may be the only person who doesn’t want me for my title, and he can never be anything more than my secret. New #MMromance from @booksbygray

Title: King Consort
Avoiding sleeping with women was my specialty, an art form even. As the future King of England I couldn’t be caught sleeping with men. My whole life played out in front of the paparazzi, and they didn’t miss a thing.
I had a carefully crafted womanizing persona to maintain. My life came with rules, all of which I broke when I couldn’t resist a one night stand with the enemy: A beautiful paparazzo with a heart of gold. He may be the only person who doesn’t want me for my title, and he can never be anything more than my secret.
But secrets have a way of coming out and not only will they scare him away, but they’ll lose me the crown.

He sat back keeping the camera in his lap. “How much liberty are you giving me?”
I mirrored him and looked him over, taking my time with my answer. “Why are you asking.”
Lust crossed through his gaze. “Take off the shirt.”
I obliged him, slowly working my fingers down the buttons. I slid it off and set it aside. He looked me over, hungry. My cock stirred at the look. I’d never felt so desired by another person. He slid forward on the seat and brought the camera back to his face. I stayed as I was until he told me to move.
“Sit on the edge of the table,” he said breathless.
I was glad this was getting to him as much as it was me. It was entirely foreign to give someone such a thing over me. To allow someone to take these photos. It was daring and exhilarating. I’d have to be careful or I’d get addicted to the acting out like some bored teenager.
I sat on the edge to the table closest to the fire and he moved back to take a few shots. I looked up when he hadn’t said anything in a few moments to find him just watching me. The fire illuminated his scar, and I wanted to kiss the length of it, from his brow to his lips. I licked my lip and my chest rose as I inhaled fully, trying to calm myself. He snapped another photo.
“What do you see?” I asked unable to stand wondering a moment longer. I wanted to know how he saw me.
“I see hunger,” he said as he came closer. “The way you look at me.” The camera hung at his side as he stalked closer.
I wanted to reach out for him. To shove him into the chair he’d occupied and climb on top of him, but I refrained because more than wanting him, I wanted to see what he did.
“Take your pants off.”
I raised a brow but didn’t say more.

Author Bio: When not staying up all night writing, J.R. Gray can be found at the gym where it's half assumed he is a permanent resident to fulfill his self-inflicted masochism. A dominant and a pilot, Gray finds it hard to be in the passenger seat of any car. He frequently interrupts real life, including normal sleep patterns and conversations, to jot down notes or plot bunnies. Commas are the bane of his existence even though it's been fully acknowledged they are necessary, they continue to baffle and bewilder. If Gray wasn't writing…well, that's not possible. The buildup of untold stories would haunt Gray into an early grave, insanity or both. The idea of haunting has always appealed to him. J.R. Gray is genderqueer and prefers he/him pronouns.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Has Liam finally had enough of Karl's disappearances? #MMromance #midweekteaser #gayromance #PNR

This week has Liam finally had enough?


The day things changed a cool autumn wind heralded it. 
Karl met Liam for lunch in the little café close to Liam’s office building. He kissed Liam before he sat at the table. “Hi, babe.”

The stilted conversation stalled. Liam pushed his salad around in the side dish. He only ate half of his burger. He twisted his napkin into a pretzel shape.
Cold fingers of dread crept up Karl’s stomach. “What is it, Liam?” He lost the fight to keep quiet and wait for whatever was going to happen.

Liam ran a hand through his dark hair and it spiked on end at the front. He sighed and his eyes filled with emotion. There was a plea in his tone. “There’s a launch party Friday night. I want you to come with me. It’ll mean staying late. Maybe until one AM—please say you will. It would mean so much to me. I’ve told Evan about you. I want you by my side. It’s time I stopped hiding what I am…”

Karl winced at the last words. They resonated with his own plight. He stared at Liam. His heart filled with tenderness and sorrow. “Babe, I can’t stay. You know that.”

Liam let his fork drop onto his side plate with a clatter. He leaned away from the table.
“I thought maybe just this once—Is it a sick relative you go to help? Couldn’t you employ a nurse? Surely you can be late to whatever it is you run off to, or whoever it is, just for once? Karl, please. How can we ever have a long term relationship if we never spend the night together?”

Tears gathered behind Karl’s eyes. This was it. Liam had grown tired.
“I’m sorry.” He couldn’t say any more without crying.

Liam gazed at him. “So am I. Let’s call it a day, then, Karl.” He stood abruptly, his chair legs squeaking on the tiled café floor, and stalked off.

Karl sat for a time staring at Liam’s empty chair and then at the salad pushed to the edge of the Liam’s plate. Tears welled and slid silently down his face. They splashed onto the Italian fabric of his pants, making spiky dark spots on the pale gray. Finally, Karl asked the server for the bill, paid, and left to go back to work.
Copyright E.D.Parr, Evernight Publishing

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Noah has always hidden his romantic feelings for his guardian, but now he’s a man, and his desire is stronger than ever. #MMromance #newrelease @GaleStanley @sirenbookstrand

OFF-LIMITS Sanctuary 1

Heat Rating: SCORCHING
Word Count: 21,584
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Contemporary Paranormal Romance, shape-shifter, M/M, HEA]


When Quinn Hart’s best friend died, he became guardian to the man’s ten-year- old son, Noah Stone. So far, Quinn has been able to conceal the growing attraction he feels for Noah, but now Noah is twenty-two and returning home from college. Honor still holds Quinn back from revealing his true feelings. Their community of bear shifters consider reproduction a priority, and Quinn fears they would never accept a homosexual relationship.

Noah has always hidden his romantic feelings for his guardian, but now he’s a man, and his desire is stronger than ever. Unable to handle his feelings, Noah leaves Oregon for a position in a research facility. But when Noah arrives in New York, he discovers his employer is harvesting bear bile and he’s the new source.

Quinn is determined to find Noah. But can he admit what he really wants before it’s too late?


Home. Noah had forgotten how much he missed the endless expanse of lush green landscape and the sparkling river. And the trees. Especially the trees. When the leaves whispered in the wind, it made Noah’s heart ache. Whoever had named their small town knew that trees were sanctuaries.

But for all that, home wasn’t a place, it was a person—Quinn. Noah could live anywhere with Quinn. But a life with Quinn was as likely as a sharknado ripping through Sanctuary.

Noah moved away from the window and gazed at his reflection. The mirror was wall mounted and speckled in places. The frame matched the wood dresser beneath it. A handknitted brown and tan spread covered the crude pine bed. The room had been decorated on a meager budget, but it was warm and comforting because Quinn had handcrafted all the furniture himself.

Noah’s bedroom hadn’t changed since he was a kid. Yesterday, when he’d first stepped through the door, he’d felt the walls close in on him. As a kid, this room seemed huge, but now that he was a man, he could see how small it really was. It felt surreal like turning back the clock, but not in a bad way. If only he could—

“Where’s the man of the hour?”

The sound of loud voices traveled up the stairs. More guests had arrived for the party. The community was small, but when everyone attended an event, it could be overwhelming. Noah checked his image in the mirror again. He’d already changed shirts several times, and he still wasn’t sure that he liked the blue chambray shirt he’d put on with his khakis. Why am I making such a big deal out of this? He felt like Marcus primping for one of those stupid frat parties. What difference did it make what color shirt he wore? Stop stalling, he told himself. You can’t stay in your room forever.

Noah stood at the top of the stairs. Below, friends and neighbors were chatting excitedly. Noah had nothing to say to them. He would disappoint them. Anxiety made his stomach churn.

Happy Reading!
Available at

Author Bio and Links

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.
Some things never change.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Alex raised his eyebrows for a second. “You thought I was with another guy.” #midweektease #MMromance @parr_books

This week's Midweek teaser is from 
E.D.Parr's Thief of Hearts

Thirty year old, lawyer, Blake Aster gazes from his high-rise office window wondering if this summer he’ll find love, but deep inside he doubts anyone will ever want him again. He can’t forget the scar he has running the length of his handsome face.

Hunky, daring, Alex Ryan is cleaning the building windows. Struck by the mythical beauty in the Blake’s looks, fun-loving Alex sets out to get Blake’s attention. Maybe a striptease outside Blake’s eighth floor window will do the trick?

Blake grinned at the young man he escorted from the courtroom. He had the case thrown out in less than fifteen minutes. They parted on the courthouse steps.

Blake checked his phone. There was half an hour before he needed to go back to the office. The sun shone. The sky held patches of blue the color of Alex’s eyes. Blake walked off to a coffee shop he knew at the end of the block. As he passed the window, he glanced in. Surprise spiked through him. Alex sat at a table with a man—a man who gazed at Alex with adoring eyes. Blake froze on the sidewalk and people grunted their displeasure as they avoided crashing into him. He stared in at his lover. Alex wore another suit, dark, expensive, and he appeared older, more refined—elegant. A frown creased between Blake’s eyes as pain entered his heart.

He turned away. I’ve only known him a week and yet this hurts so badly. I shouldn’t have let myself hope. I, I’ve fallen in love with him. When did that happen? Blake’s chest hurt. His stomach ached. He stared down at the pavers. He took a step along the street to trudge to his office. Should I go to his place tonight?

A hand grasped his shoulder. A familiar voice murmured in his ear.
“Babe, you’re through with court already. How did it go?”

Blake spun around.

Alex smiled at him.

He shook his head, unable to get the idea that Alex had been seeing another man out of his head.

The expression on his loved one’s face went from pleasure to anxiety. “You didn’t get him off?”

“Yes, yes I did. What are you doing here?” Blake heard the suspicion in his own voice and cringed.

Alex gave him a puzzled look. “I met someone for coffee, about work. I’m done with cleaning windows and … and other hazardous pursuits.”

Relief swept over Blake in a huge wave and he sighed loudly. “You’re wearing a suit again. You look great.” He gazed at Alex knowing his eyes broadcast love.

Alex’s eyes reflected his gaze. He edged closer to Blake. “I’m dying to kiss you. Do you have time to get coffee?”

Blake’s brush with heartbreak made him edgy. “I have to get back to the office.”

Alex gave him a tender look. “You’re heading in the wrong direction, babe.”

A drench of love flipped Blake’s stomach as he heard the emotion in Alex’s voice. He nodded. “Yeah. I, er, I saw you in the café and…”

Alex raised his eyebrows for a second. “You thought I was with another guy.”

“Well, he looked pretty into you.”

Alex laughed aloud. “I’ll walk to your office with you. You know here in this city gay couples can hold hands and even put their arms around each other.”

A smile hovered on Blake’s lips and he finally let it happen. “I’d like your arm around me.”
Copyright E.D.Parr , 2017, Evernight Publishing
What E.D.Parr says about the story 
I loved writing this story. Alex the fun, sexy hero thinks nothing of wandering around on tall buildings both in his day job and in his clandestine antics at night.
Lovely Blake has the wrong idea about himself. The scar on his face is a heavy load for him to carry but hunky Alex sees the beauty before him and falls in love with Blake.
There are some red-hot love scenes but behind them is a love story to make you smile.
Alex isn’t who he first appears to be. Love changes him as much as it lifts Blake from his self-doubt.
I hope that you enjoy their story.

HOP to the next MIDWEEK Tease #MWTease

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