Odd Man Out (Watchdogs 3) by Gale
Stanley #MMM #Shapeshifters
Ray and Jared were living the perfect life until Ray discovered his
ability to shift. Now he dreams of his wolf every night, and lives in fear of
the beast.
Remus is the only man who can help Ray control his inner wolf. But if
they connect will Jared become the odd man out?
“Wake the
fuck up! Come on, Ray, wake up.”
gripped Ray’s upper arms and shook him again. No response. Nobody sleeps that
soundly. For Christ’s sake, he looked catatonic, like the woman in The Fall of
the House of Usher, who’s pronounced dead and then buried alive. Now Jared was
scared. He considered throwing cold water on him, maybe calling for an
ambulance. He shook Ray again.
Slowly, Ray
opened his right eye. An explosion in Afghanistan took his left eye years ago.
Ray mumbled.
Jared. Were you expecting someone else?”
Ray looked
around the room. He seemed confused.
“Snap out
of it, man. I couldn’t wake you.”
“I'm awake.
I’m awake.” Ray stretched. He looked like he wanted to go back to sleep.”
“You scared
the hell out of me.”
“Sorry. I
must have been dreaming.”
“Must have
been some dream. There’s a wet spot on the bed.”
Ray checked
the sheets. He looked surprised. “Sorry.”
“Forget it,
Sexy.” Jared climbed into bed with him. “Tell me all the dirty details. I want
to get off too.”
“You know I
never remember my dreams.” Ray rolled out of bed. “I better change the sheets.”
Jared made
a grab for him. “Later.”
Ray evaded
him. “Look at the time, Jared.”
“You used
to call me Baby?” Jared spoke more harshly than he intended.
“Fuck the
sheets, and the time. We own the company. Let’s go in late. Better yet, let’s
take the day off.”
“We can’t
afford to close shop, even for one day. Too many P.I.’s in Jersey. The
completion is killing us. ”
“We’re the
new guys in town. All we need is a big profile case and the clients will be
knocking our door down.”
“I hope
so.” Ray headed toward the bathroom. “I’m gonna shower.”
“Come back,
I’ll give you a tongue bath instead.”
bathroom door slammed behind Ray. Worried, Jared lay back with his arms under
his head. Ray never wanted to fuck anymore. He always had an excuse. I’m too tired. It’s late. I’m drunk. I have
a headache.
The sex had
been dwindling for months. Six months to be exact. Ever since Remus showed up
and screwed up their lives. If he was just another man Jared could handle the
competition, but Remus was larger than life, a superhero who’d come from Ray’s
past to claim him.
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Some things never change.
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