Wednesday, May 25, 2022

#ThrowbackThursday #teaser from #MMromance #erotic Thief of Hearts from E. D. Parr @parr_books and @evernightpub


Thief of Hearts

Thirty year old, lawyer, Blake Aster gazes from his high-rise office window wondering if this summer he’ll find love, but deep inside he doubts anyone will ever want him again. He can’t forget the scar he has running the length of his handsome face.
Hunky, daring, Alex Ryan is cleaning the building windows. Struck by the mythical beauty in the Blake’s looks, fun-loving Alex sets out to get Blake’s attention. Maybe a striptease outside Blake’s eighth floor window will do the trick.

Erotic MM romance

Read the teaser #ThrowbackThursday 

He checked his coffee. Cool enough to drink. Kathy made the hottest coffee ever. It escaped Blake how she did it. He picked up his favorite stoneware mug and wandered to stare out at the day through the enormous plate glass windows of his eighth-floor office.

He cradled the mug in both hands. A weak sun filtered through dove-gray clouds. Blake longed for summer. Spring was cool and rainy this year. It echoed his forlorn mood most of the time. Summer meant he walked to work and sauntered home in the light evening, stopping to eat at one of the cafés, bistros, or restaurants along the way. Summer meant he might meet a guy in one of those places, if he was lucky. Blake sighed and drank some coffee. It was about time he met a guy and yet he lacked the confidence that anyone would ever want him again. I don’t have the heart to go to bars anymore, and I might run into John.

Lost in reverie, and shielded by the noise reducing double-glazing of the building, he didn’t hear the approach of the suspended scaffold containing the window cleaner. The cradle appeared before him on the other side of the glass and a gorgeous guy stared right at Blake.

Blake’s heart pounded. He had no idea why, except that the young man’s eyes were the bluest he’d ever seen, and the smile that slowly spread over the window cleaner’s face contained undisguised appraisal.

Blake took a step back from the window. He’d moved too quickly and some coffee lurched out of his mug. He shifted sideways to avoid it splashing his pristine white shirt. With a murmur of annoyance, he glanced at the young man on the scaffold.

The blue eyes held mirth, twinkling at him from the deliciously handsome face. The smile became a moue, and the window cleaner gave Blake a hands-out shrug.

Blake read the whole gesture as sympathy, but far from it helping him, he felt like a fool doing a dance of surprise and desperation. He looked down at the dark wave shape on the carpet made by the coffee and sighed. Am I so lonely that the sight of a handsome man turns me into an idiot? Yeah…
In an effort to gain control, Blake dared to lift his gaze to the man outside. He’d expected water to smear the glass, but the guy hadn’t made any effort to clean the window so Blake had a clear view of the striptease the window cleaner engaged in. He lifted the t-shirt he wore at the hem and in a tantalizing move slid it up his torso.
Blake’s mouth watered at the sight of the smooth, muscular chest on display. The man’s jeans rode low and Blake followed the V of his slim hips into the frayed top with greedy eyes. Blake caught his breath at the bulge in the front of the blue pants as the man thrust his hips a little taking the t-shirt over his head before he dropped it beside him onto the cradle floor.

Blake stared in open appreciation of the broad shoulders and muscled arms before him. A sigh escaped him. This man gave him butterflies. Blake’s cock stirred as the guy leaned close to the glass and blew him a kiss. A smile spread over Blake’s face as happiness took him over. He didn’t even care if the guy was mocking him. He allowed himself to enjoy the show.

Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing

Find E.D.Parr


Monday, May 23, 2022

Josh couldn't forget those sexy brown eyes A Forever Kind of Thing #MMromance #gayromance @elodieparkes #LGBTQ #books #TeaserTuesday


A Forever Kind of Thing, MM romance

Businessman Will has hoped to meet musician Josh for so long, he’s astonished and elated when Josh finally notices and pursues him at one of the band’s gigs.
After a heady night of love, Josh is devastated when Will turns out to be a millionaire. He’s not a hustler. He couldn’t take and he couldn’t compete. He retreats into his music.
Will is sure they could have something special and tries to prove his love for Josh in the only way he knows how. Trouble is—it’s the wrong way.
Josh is shocked to discover he can’t forget Will.
They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching.
But Josh is running in the opposite direction as Will longs to love him.
Can love triumph?

Read the teaser:

Josh saw Will at one end of the bar and his heart leapt. Flutters started up in his stomach and he took a deep breath trying to steady himself. The encounter had rocked him to the core. He’d never in his wildest dreams expected to feel the way he did about a man whose name he still didn’t know. I want to, though. I want to know all about him. I want him in my life, and from the way he responded, he wants me bad. That’s great. I need it.
He watched the play of emotions cross Will’s face as he approached and stood close.
“Hi. I’m Josh Winters and you are…?” He grinned mischievously.
“Will—Will Trenton.” Will’s eyes held warmth, affection, and desire.
A spark of recognition lit in Josh’s mind. “That’s a familiar name, but I wouldn’t have been able to put a face to it. Are you famous or something?” He gestured to the bartender.
“A beer thanks—and for you?” He gave Will a tender look designed to tell the guy he liked him a lot.
“The same but let me … let me get them.”
Josh shook his head. “We have a tab.”
He saw a look of worry flit through Will’s eyes.
“It’s really okay, Will.” Josh moved even closer to Will. The toe of one boot touched the toe of Will’s. He gazed into Will’s eyes. Time slowed for Josh. This man was even more attractive close up with his handsome face lit by the bar’s sparkling white downlights. He took in the shade of stubble and wanted to bite Will’s chin. He ached to grab Will and thrust his tongue between those perfect lips. He recalled the way Will’s thick hair had felt as he grasped a handful. Softness filled his stomach. He didn’t know if this was love, but it sure was tenderness.

Copyright Elodie Parkes, Encompass Ink

Buy the book on Amazon
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About Elodie:
I’m a writer who is in love with happy endings, currently based in southern UK.
I love music, art, flowers, trees, the ocean. I work with antiques by day and words by night. Like a vampire, darkness is my friend, that’s when the silence is only broken by an occasional hoot of owls in the woodlands
 opposite my home, and I write.

Find Elodie online: Facebook  FB  Twitte  Pinterest    Amazon