Sunday, December 23, 2018

Kick back with a chapter from #MMromance #holidaystory Snowflake Wine #gayromance #lgbtq

Hunky Nathan Bloom works late for the company putting up the town Christmas lights and decorations. 
Gorgeous, enigmatic, Jamie Snow works late forecasting the weather from his desk in the meteorology office.
Nathan sighs over the prospect of a holiday season with no one to love.
Jamie wonders if he’ll ever find a man to love who will accept his mysterious origins and talents.
One cold night, as Nathan finishes hoisting the wreath lights up the building where Jamie works, they meet.
The brilliant festive lights aren’t the only things to sparkle as the two men connect on a deep level.

Be delighted by a delicious, contemporary, gay romance with an edge of fantasy this season. Sometimes being different is awesome.
All other Amazon

Read the chapter

Chapter Three

Jamie Snow sat alongside Nathan. He glanced across at the man who stirred his frosty heart. He’s so attractive. Jamie hadn’t loved in a long time. He felt more than ready for it—longed for it on lonely nights. He wasn’t about to give up on the chance that this man might want a lover, that he was gay wasn’t in question. No straight guy looked the way he had at another man.

“My name’s Jamie, Jamie Snow.” He softened his voice as he spoke. The man beside him inspired tenderness and he felt a little prick of guilt. Using the weather to flirt with him had been inspired but maybe a little naughty.

Nathan drove the truck into a wide car lot that Jamie hadn’t known existed behind the furniture store on the end of the main street. “Here we are. The store allows us to leave the bigger rigs here every year. Jamie Snow—that’s an interesting name for a meteorologist—mine’s Nathan Bloom.”

Jamie’s smile infused his tone. “Yes. People tease me sometimes at work, they’ll know we’ve forecast it and as I walk by they’ll say, ‘here comes the snow,’ but I don’t mind. I like this name.”

“You’ve had others?” Nathan asked with a laugh.

Jamie didn’t want to reply. He waited. I won’t be lying to this lovely guy if I don’t answer.

Nathan turned off the truck engine and twisted to talk to Jamie. “It’s a cool name. Where do you live?”

It appeared he’d forgotten his question.

Happiness trickled into Jamie’s soul that the attractive man beside him liked his name, and used the word, cool. Eagerly, Jamie told Nathan his address on the outskirts of the town.

Nathan grinned, his eyes reflecting Jamie’s emotion. “I know it well. I live a couple of streets south from there.”

“That’s great.”

The rain stopped. He jumped down from the cab and hung around waiting for Nathan, who secured the aerial work platform and set alarms on both the cab and the boom of the platform. Jamie gazed at Nathan and sighed over the way his dark hair fell over his forehead as he bent. He soaked up the sight when Nathan reached up to check on something and both the gorgeous man’s jacket and shirt lifted to show a band of flat muscled stomach. He’s perfect. What with those sexy blue eyes and hot body, he’s

Jamie had to stop his drooling as Nathan called to him.

“Let’s go. Mine’s the black SUV.”

Jamie followed to the car parked next to a gray sedan. He slid into the passenger seat when Nathan unlocked the door for him.

“Thank you for this.”

Nathan turned to Jamie, his azure gaze laden with attraction. “It’s no problem at all.” He started the SUV, switched on the heater, reversed out of the space, and exited the carpark.

An urgent need to keep Nathan with him longer than just the time it took to drive to his place made him nervous. Jamie searched desperately for words. “Can I offer you a drink … when we get to my place—to warm up? A coffee, or … well, I suppose you won’t want anything stronger as you still have the drive home.” Please let him say yes.

Nathan stilled his car at the last set of lights before the wide avenue that led to the area where both the men lived. He hesitated only a fraction, then smiled across at Jamie. “Sure. I’d like that. Coffee will be good.”

Warmth flooded Jamie. Joy lifted his spirits. The fun loving side of his character shook off his solitary gloom. “Good.” A smile wreathed his face as he gazed out of the window.

“How’d you know my jacket was in the cab?” Nathan’s question came out of nowhere.

Jamie’s stomach lurched. Should he admit he’d watched Nathan from the office windows? The meteorology unit took up the entire top floor of the last double office building. He’d walked from window to window to gaze out at the dark haired, muscled, and handsome man who stirred his repressed desire. Jamie had hoped Nathan would see him and their eyes would meet, but in the end, he’d had to go onto a balcony to attract attention.

“I saw you put it in there. I, well, I couldn’t help watching you work.” His voice fell to a whisper as he confessed.

Nathan gave him a sidelong glance as he turned the SUV into the road where Jamie lived. “I didn’t know I was so fascinating.” He smiled.

He doesn’t mind. Relief coated Jamie. “Yes—to me.” He slipped the words out. Let him know that I like him already. I want him. I need at least kisses. Let him want me…

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2018 Encompass Ink

Friday, December 21, 2018

Can Kaea and Xavier find a way to work together to avenge those who were taken from them #MMromance #shifter Read a #teaser from @maiadylanauthor and @evernightpub

HIS TO PROTECT – An Alpha’s Claim, 2
Series: An Alpha’s Claim
Applicable Tags:  Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifter, HEA
Purchase Links:
Kaea Hemopo was a man on a mission. He planned to kill the bastard who killed his grandmother, and nothing was going to stop him. He had the man lined up in his sights, his finger on the trigger, and was prepared to die to get it done, but then Kaea found out that he was following the wrong man.

Xavier Mulligan had been stalking his own prey the night he met his mate. He’d been shocked to discover that Kaea was not only there to kill him, but thought he was the asshole who’d murdered his own father. Xavier would just have to make his mate see him for what he was, and accept his very nature. How hard could that be?

Can Kaea and Xavier find a way to work together to avenge those who were taken from them, and retrieve that which was stolen from Kaea’s family, or will Xavier’s need for control be the one thing that could tear them both apart?

**M/M, anal penetration, erotic romance, paranormal, shape-shifter

Kaea moved a little beneath him, and Xavier had to bite back a groan as his hips nestled a little closer to his.
“Do you—wait, am I naked?” Kaea asked incredulously, and Xavier couldn’t hold back a grin.
“That you are, my lovely. You were damp and dirty from being out in the forest and trying to kill me. I couldn’t very well pop you into bed like that, now could I?”
Kaea frowned as he leaned slightly to the side and looked at Xavier lying on top of him. “And you’re naked because…”
“I was in the shower.” Xavier shrugged. “Again, not somewhere where clothes are necessarily all that helpful. I came out of the bathroom when you woke up. Didn’t have time to go throw any clothes on.”
Kaea nodded, and a delicious red heat swept over the dark skin of his cheeks. “That makes sense, but you could let me go, get up and throw some clothes on now that I no longer want to hurt you, right?”
“But I like it where I am. Do I gotta?” Xavier had never pouted in his life, but he tried in this moment just to have fun with his mate.
Kaea’s laughter was quick and genuine, and had Xavier’s heart doing strange somersaults inside him. “Yes, you do. Come on, it’s very distracting having you lying on top of me.”
Xavier grinned, and knew it was just as wicked as he felt. “I love that you find me distracting, love, because the feeling is most definitely mutual.” Kaea’s eyes darkened, and Xavier knew he liked that particular revelation. “But, you’re right. I’m hungry, and healing this gunshot wound I seemed to have acquired recently has taken a lot of energy.”
Xavier pushed up from the bed, and grinned when he watched Kaea’s gaze wander down his abdomen, but shot back to the puckered scar of the wound on his shoulder. “Crap. Did I apologize for shooting you?”
Xavier resettled the towel around his hips. “No, you did not, and that was very remiss of you. I’ll expect you to make that up to me very soon. Repeatedly.”
Kaea’s soft laughter followed him as he stepped toward the back of the room where he’d put his bag. He grabbed a pair of sweats and pulled them on under the towel, then dropped it to the floor. He turned back toward the bed and laughed himself when he saw Kaea up on his elbows as if to get a better view.
“See something you might like, love?”
Kaea grinned at him, and Xavier could have sworn he felt his heart stutter in his chest. “Maybe, but I’m not a man who gives all his secrets away when he’s just met a man. I prefer a slow build up to a quick flash that’s over too damn soon.” Xavier scowled. “What’s put that look on your face?”
“I don’t like to think of you with other men.” Xavier heard the possessiveness in his own tone, but wouldn’t apologize for it. He was a dominant Alpha bear, and one who did not play well with others. Kaea needed to know and understand that. “I don’t share. You’re mine.”
Kaea arched a sardonic brow in his direction, and it irritated and aroused him at the same time. “Yours?” Xavier could practically feel the temperature in the room fall. “I don’t remember ever being asked if I’d be yours, or even if I wanted you. You presume too much.”
Xavier growled, his anger rising within him. “It’s not a presumption when I could feel your fucking arousal just as sure as you could feel mine, Kaea.”
Mother, wife, author, and all around crazy…
I write the kind of books that I love to read. Love stories between strong men and their independent soulmates. Usually, their path to Happily Ever After is a bumpy one, but there is always a Happy Ever After. 
In the world's I create there is someone (or two, or three) for everyone!  Love comes in many forms and I believe it is all beautiful and should be celebrated!
I live, love and write in New Zealand, married to my husband of fifteen years with two beautiful children who I truly believe were sent as a blessing, but sometimes to try my patience, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Sizzle this holiday season with Christmas #MMromance Erotic, and surprising #gayromance

Sizzle this holiday season with Christmas MM romance
Erotic, and surprising 

Gorgeous Owain Lovage belongs to an ancient family of elven beings. A glamor hides his elf beauty as he runs a reindeer farm and visitor center in an English rural town. He’s yearning for a handsome, sexy man in his life. Owain hardly uses his magic these days, but that’s about to change.
Rowan Carter reluctantly leaves California to stay with his folks on vacation for the holiday season in the town where Owain lives. 
Everything is so much better than he expected. Already enchanted by the lovely scenery, snow, and Christmas lights he fleetingly meets Owain. 
Captivated by Owain’s looks and masculinity, Rowan seeks him out. 
Melting hot kisses in the snow are only the start of what he has in mind to do with this red hot guy.
A deep erotic passion ignites between the two handsome men and sets in motion an ancient magic spell that will change both their lives forever.
Available all other Amazon sites:

Nick gazed out of the windscreen. The night sparkled. He breathed in the freezing atmosphere. Rushing people, tires swishing, multi-colored fairy lights sprinkled across the city like jewels. This was his favorite time of year. A time when anything could happen, and in his experience, usually did.

Can wishes come true? You bet—especially if Nick Kringle has anything to do with it.
He's definitely not your average guy. Nick Kringle has more than a touch of the supernatural about him and he's going to share his magic with down on his luck, Dylan West . Naturally, it helps that Nick thinks Dylan is super hot...
Make a Wish
#MMromance  with a sparkle of magic

Hunky Nathan Bloom works late for the company putting up the town Christmas lights and decorations. 
Gorgeous, enigmatic, Jamie Snow works late forecasting the weather from his desk in the meteorology office.
Nathan sighs over the prospect of a holiday season with no one to love.
Jamie wonders if he’ll ever find a man to love who will accept his mysterious origins and talents.
One cold night, as Nathan finishes hoisting the wreath lights up the building where Jamie works, they meet.
The brilliant festive lights aren’t the only things to sparkle as the two men connect on a deep level.

Be delighted by a delicious, contemporary, gay romance with an edge of fantasy this season. Sometimes being different is awesome.

The story is contemporary gay romance with an edge of fantasy, especially written as a sweet but sexy Christmas treat.
Jamie Snow and Nathan Bloom, my characters, are as usual, dear to me. 

Jamie has battled all his life with his strange, fantastic gift. His is the character that brings the element of fantasy to the story. The inspiration behind the creation of this character came, weirdly enough, in the summer, when I visited a ruined abbey. In the grounds were flowering shrubs that I’d never encountered before. From a distance, the flowers looked like frost, and as I drew close, into my mind came the idea of Jamie, a sprite who loves cold, ice, frost, and to comfort himself in the warm weather, he decorated the shrubs with frost flowers. 

Nathan Bloom is the perfect partner for Jamie—gorgeous, calm, loving and open. He’s looking for love. He’s onto Jamie’s gifts long before he lets Jamie know it. This is a love story—romantic, sexy, hopeful.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Magical #MMromance for #midweektease Hidden Magic @evernightpub Rowan’s sudden move, grabbing his shoulders and kissing him, stopped Owain’s gabble. He sank into the soft joy of Rowan’s lips on his.

From , Hidden Magic

I had this story in my head for months before I started to write it. The elf, Owain Lovage, was so clear in my imagination but not his lover to be. Rowan kept disappearing and then reforming. I knew he had to be special because Owain is so sure he can never have a human partner.
Owain is lonely but he’s a happy soul, already in love with nature and as much as Rowan stirs him as they meet, Owain is calm and takes the love poured out to him from Rowan like gifts.
Rowan is highly sexual and used to taking what he needs from the men he meets. He pursues Owain from the start, but as soon as they connect, he’s lost in a pull of attraction he’s never felt before. He falls in love with Owain long before he knows it.
There’s a twist, as always, in my romances and of course a happy ending. I hope you enjoy the passion between these two men and the fun in the build to the end where I allow life to play tricks on them the way we all know it can.

Warning: This MM love story contains, MM sex, rimming, frottage, in the frequent love scenes
Paranormal gay male romantic erotica, Hidden Magic, 114 pages

Gorgeous Owain Lovage belongs to an ancient family of elven beings. A glamor hides his elf beauty as he runs a reindeer farm and visitor center in an English rural town. He’s yearning for a handsome, sexy man in his life. Owain hardly uses his magic these days, but that’s about to change.
Rowan Carter reluctantly leaves California to stay with his folks on vacation for the holiday season in the town where Owain lives. 
Everything is so much better than he expected. Already enchanted by the lovely scenery, snow, and Christmas lights he fleetingly meets Owain. 
Captivated by Owain’s looks and masculinity, Rowan seeks him out. 
Melting hot kisses in the snow are only the start of what he has in mind to do with this red hot guy.
A deep erotic passion ignites between the two handsome men and sets in motion an ancient magic spell that will change both their lives forever.

Read the teaser 

Owain’s desperation grew in the night. He used magic to make coffee after spending too long in the shower. He walked to work trying to calm himself and before he knew what he was doing he used magic to speed and lift his steps. Only when he went through the small gate to the stable area, and, from force of habit, turned to close it, did he realize he’d left no prints in the snow. He dropped his feet to the ground. The layer of snow made a dull scrunch as it compacted.

A frown creasing his forehead, Owain entered the stables and went to the large enclosure where his older red deer had a space each. Their winter quarters made them impatient to work, and Owain soothed them with his magical touch. “Shush, shush, I’ll let you run in the paddock today after the school visit. The forecast is for sunshine by noon. Not that you care if it snows.” He stroked them, affection in every move. The deer snorted softly.

He was at his desk checking the staff roster on the computer when a worker brought Rowan to him. Owain’s heart thudded as he stood to greet Rowan. He minimized the document window and went around the desk.

“Thank you, Ben.” He dismissed his colleague with a smile, but as soon as Ben had closed the office door as he left, Owain went to Rowan. “It’s great to see you. I, er, I didn’t know if you’d take me up on my offer.”

Rowan gazed at him, his eyes glittering with pleasure. “To visit you—how could I not? I thought about you all night. I almost called the cell phone number on your business card. Is it your personal number?”

Owain nodded as he answered. “I wished I could call you. I thought it might be too soon. It is my personal number. The landline number is for the farm, but I didn’t want the staff bothered by after-hours calls, hence my number—”

Rowan’s sudden move, grabbing his shoulders and kissing him, stopped Owain’s gabble. He sank into the soft joy of Rowan’s lips on his and pushed his hands around Rowan’s waist to hold him fast and linger in the kiss, until the sensation of floating in a haze of lust became real and Owain lifted them both from the ground.

Rowan broke the kiss and took a deep breath. “Your kisses are—”

Panic made Owain’s stomach churn, and he brought their feet to the floor thanking any deity listening that he’d only elevated an inch or so. “—so are yours.” He caught his breath resting his forehead on Rowan’s.

Rowan smiled, finishing his sentence. “So sexy.”

Pleasure closed Owain’s eyes.

Rowan pushed his arms around Owain’s neck and pressed his body close.
Rowan’s hard body against his enticed until Owain swept his hands down to Rowan’s ass and grabbed it to thrust his erection on Rowan’s. The hard column of Owain’s cock straining against his pants rubbed on Rowan’s. Owain sighed into his soft kisses. “This is no place to make out.”

Rowan whispered between hungry kisses. “Lock the door. My dick’s leaking. I’ll lose it and come soon. Let me suck your cock. You have to want that.”

Owain’s urgent desire overwhelmed him. He edged to the door, simultaneously kissing Rowan and bringing him to lean there. He couldn’t lock the door from inside, but they could block entry with their bodies.

Rowan opened his jeans and dragged them and his underwear down his thighs. His huge cock sprang free. He moaned low and grabbed Owain’s hand to close it around his dick.

Owain gasped as the shape and feel of Rowan’s cock in his hand sent sparks of pleasure down his body to pool in his balls, and his own cock jerked against his pants.

“Uh, uh, fucking hell.” Rowan thrust his hips, and his dick shifted in Owain’s fist.

Owain tightened his grip and slipped his other hand around Rowan’s body to finger the crack of Rowan’s hard ass, as he took kiss after kiss from Rowan’s open mouth.

Rowan’s cum shot over Owain’s hand and along his wrist. Rowan ground his cock into Owain’s grasp as he moaned. He stilled slowly and returned Owain’s kisses. “I need your cock in my mouth, fucking now—” He pulled away from Owain and dropped to his knees.

With shaking hands, Owain helped his lover open his pants and push them down his thighs along with his underwear. Rowan’s lick along his aching cock made him groan.

Rowan lapped at the head of Owain’s dick as he grasped the shaft. He circled feather-light touches around Owain’s balls with his fingertips.

Owain’s stomach clenched tight. He couldn’t breathe. The feel of Rowan’s lips around his cock set him moaning. The tight, wet friction as Rowan brought his dick in and out of his mouth nearly sent Owain to his knees. He grabbed Rowan’s shoulders and let himself thrust. Streaks of sensation gathered between his legs. His balls lifted high under Rowan’s touch. Owain’s orgasm stormed over him with pleasure so exquisite he fell back against the door, and as his knees sagged, he struggled not to groan too loudly.

Rowan held him there, waiting until Owain had pumped all his seed into his throat. He stroked Owain’s tense stomach, forcing more moans to escape, and his cock throbbed in Rowan’s mouth.

“Rowan—” He murmured the name, wanting to kiss those lips that had brought him such pleasure.

Copyright E.D.Parr  Evernight Publishing
Available all other Amazon sites:

HOP to the next #Midweektease

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Jamie hadn’t loved in a long time. He felt more than ready for it—longed for it on lonely nights. New release #MMromance Snowflake Wine @elodieparkes @CHBB #gayromance for Christmas

From Elodie

The story is contemporary gay romance with an edge of fantasy, especially written as a sweet but sexy Christmas treat.
Jamie Snow and Nathan Bloom, my characters are as usual, dear to me.

Jamie has battled all his life with his strange, fantastic gift. His is the character that brings the element of fantasy to the story. The inspiration behind the creation of this character came, weirdly enough, in the summer, when I visited a ruined abbey. In the grounds were flowering shrubs that I’d never encountered before. From a distance, the flowers looked like frost, and as I drew close, into my mind came the idea of Jamie, a sprite who loves cold, ice, frost, and to comfort himself in the warm weather, he decorated the shrubs with frost flowers.

Nathan Bloom is the perfect partner for Jamie—gorgeous, calm, loving and open. He’s looking for love. He’s onto Jamie’s gifts long before he lets Jamie know it. This is a love story—romantic, sexy, hopeful.


Hunky Nathan Bloom works late for the company putting up the town Christmas lights and decorations.

Gorgeous, enigmatic, Jamie Snow works late forecasting the weather from his desk in the meteorology office.

Nathan sighs over the prospect of a holiday season with no one to love.

Jamie wonders if he’ll ever find a man to love who will accept his mysterious origins and talents.

One cold night, as Nathan finishes hoisting the wreath lights up the building where Jamie works, they meet.

The brilliant festive lights aren’t the only things to sparkle as the two men connect on a deep level.

Be delighted by a delicious, contemporary, gay romance with an edge of fantasy this season.
Sometimes being different is awesome.

Read a teaser:

Jamie Snow sat alongside Nathan. He glanced across at the man who stirred his frosty heart. He’s so attractive. Jamie hadn’t loved in a long time. He felt more than ready for it—longed for it on lonely nights. He wasn’t about to give up on the chance that this man might want a lover, that he was gay wasn’t in question. No straight guy looked the way he had at another man.

“My name’s Jamie, Jamie Snow.” He softened his voice as he spoke. The man beside him inspired tenderness and he felt a little prick of guilt. Using the weather to flirt with him had been inspired but maybe a little naughty.

Nathan drove the truck into a wide car lot that Jamie hadn’t known existed behind the furniture store on the end of the main street. “Here we are. The store allows us to leave the bigger rigs here every year. Jamie Snow—that’s an interesting name for a meteorologist—mine’s Nathan Bloom.”

Jamie’s smile infused his tone. “Yes. People tease me sometimes at work, they’ll know we’ve forecast it and as I walk by they’ll say, ‘here comes the snow,’ but I don’t mind. I like this name.”

“You’ve had others?” Nathan asked with a laugh.

Jamie didn’t want to reply. He waited. I won’t be lying to this lovely guy if I don’t answer.

Nathan turned off the truck engine and twisted to talk to Jamie. “It’s a cool name. Where do you live?”

It appeared he’d forgotten his question.
Happiness trickled into Jamie’s soul that the attractive man beside him liked his name, and used the word, cool. Eagerly, Jamie told Nathan his address on the outskirts of the town.

Nathan grinned, his eyes reflecting Jamie’s emotion. “I know it well. I live a couple of streets south from there.”

Copyright Elodie Parkes, 2018, Encompass Ink

On launch special price. All Amazon sites.

About Elodie
I’m a writer who is in love with happy endings, currently based in southern UK. I write for Evernight Publishing, Siren, Hot Ink Press, Encompass Ink, and eXtasy Books.
I love music, art, flowers, trees, the ocean. I work with antiques by day and words by night. Like a vampire, darkness is my friend, that’s when the silence is only broken by an occasional hoot of owls in the woodlands opposite my home, and I write.
Find Elodie online:

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

“You’d be surprised how easily swayed I can be by a handsome face.” New release #MMromance from @LDBlakeley @evernightpub Read a #teaser

A few years ago I went sightseeing in my own backyard and fell in love with a beautiful area just a few hours outside of Toronto called the Kawarthas. It’s the kind of place where I could imagine buying a cottage, or even picture moving to on a more permanent basis one day. You see, it has a vibe. I know – how very woo. But it does. It’s magical, almost otherworldly. And I knew in an instant I was going to create a fictional universe based on this bewitching region in Ontario, Canada.

SHADOWY PINES by L.D. Blakeley

AVAILABLE: November 28, 2018
PUBLISHER: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77339-846-4
COVER ARTIST: Jay Aheer | EDITOR: CA Clauson

When an over-educated, underemployed millennial is called home to help with the family business, he jumps at the chance to leave his crap job, crappier love life, and the city behind.

But moving to Shadowy Pines isn't quite the idyllic life change Finn Parks imagined.
How the hell do you cope when you find out magic – actual magic – is real? Or that you also happen to come from a long line of powerful witches? And that handsome man with all the sizzle? Yeah, he might be trying to kill you.

Evernight Publishing $3.99 $2.99 until Dec. 12
Amazon | Apple iTunes | Barnes & Noble | Bookstrand | | Kobo | Smashwords

“You’d be surprised how easily swayed I can be by a handsome face.”
Not for nothing, but Finn was fairly certain that was a come on. It had been a while, but he did remember what one sounded like. This one was … nicer, somehow. It still had the promising lilt of innuendo, but it didn’t sound like it had been rehearsed or lifted from bad porn dialogue.
“My aunt says you’re new in town, too. What’re you here for?”
“Business. Boring family business.”
“How vague,” Finn teased.
“Seriously. My father sent me back here to check out a vineyard. He’s interested in adding it to the wine brewing facility we already run, the Sharpe Wine Butler on the outskirts of town. You know it?”
“Can’t say I do, but it sounds more interesting than why I moved here.”
“Why are you in Shadowy Pines?”
“Jude and Poppy needed my help, I had nothing worth holding on to in the city, so—here I am.” Finn shrugged. “Now that’s boring,” he added with what he hoped was a charming smile.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Finn.” Owen pulled his chair closer and placed his hand on Finn’s knee. “Feel that?”
Of course he did. It felt as though a live wire had been placed against his bare skin.
“Yes.” Finn cursed the breathy, needy tone his voice had taken on. “What…” He wasn’t sure how to phrase his question so it wouldn’t offend. “What is that? I mean, I get the concept of electrical attraction, but this? This isn’t normal.”
When Owen didn’t reply right away, Finn prodded, “Right?”
“No, not really.”  Owen’s fingers were slowly caressing Finn’s leg and inching their way up his thigh “Not for most people.” Owen leaned forward and took Finn’s face in both hands and brought their lips so close Finn swore he could taste him. Owen’s eyes visibly blazed in a way that barely seemed human. Finn froze, his breath catching in his throat.
When Owen finally pressed their lips together, Finn felt another jolt of electricity arc through his entire body and he gasped at the sensation. Owen’s fingers at his nape trailed delicious sparks across Finn’s skin as he licked at the seam of Finn’s mouth. Finn opened eagerly and nipped at Owen’s bottom lip. Never had a kiss made him so crazy with want. He needed to touch, wanted to crawl inside of Owen and feel him from the inside, out. But as Finn reached out a hand, Owen pulled away, his breathing every bit as labored as Finn’s.
“We’re different, Finn.” Owen licked at his lips and watched Finn’s eyes follow the tip of his tongue. “You’re different. You know that, right?”
Finn had no response. None that made any sense. Right now all he wanted was to tear at Owen’s clothes and taste every last inch of the man. But for some reason, Owen had put on the brakes and wanted to discuss—what, exactly? Finn was at a loss. And his dick could have cut glass.
“The woman in the grocery store. You mentioned that wasn’t the first time you’d seen her, right?”
“Right.” Finn’s voiced faltered slightly. Not sure where Owen was going with this, he gestured for him to continue.
“I think she saw you for what you are.”
“And what exactly is that?” Finn asked, not sure he wanted an answer.
“You’re a witch, Finn.”
Owen’s face was so serious, so earnest, Finn almost believed him for a split second.
He threw his head back and laughed uproariously. He laughed so hard, he could feel tears well up in his eyes. Well that’s an effective way to kill an erection.
But Owen’s expression hadn’t changed an iota. He simply sat and stared at Finn.
“Are you—oh, god, you’re serious aren’t you?”
Dammit! He knew there was a reason he’d established his dating embargo. He certainly could attract the crazies.