Sunday, April 23, 2017

He didn't give Matt time to change his mind #SexySnippets #MMromance

For #SexySnippets this week we have 7 sexy sentences from one of E.D.Parr's next Evernight
Publishing MM romances
Given Time

“Just this touch is reducing me to mush.”
He kissed Matt, gently, soaking up the feel of Matt’s skin against his nose. He thrust his hips so that his lower body crushed on Matt’s and the unmistakable shape of Matt’s cock, hard and bulging in his pants met Angel’s cock. A low groan escaped Angel and he deepened the kiss, clinging to Matt, as his legs weakened and his heart pounded.

Matt pushed his arms around Angel’s neck, and Angel’s hands fell away from the grip on his shoulders. 
Matt’s murmur penetrated Angel’s haze of pleasure. “I can’t even think straight, but I know I want you naked in my arms.”
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing soon to be released 'Given Time'
#SexySnippets are seven sentences from a published work or WIP brought to you each Sunday
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