Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It's #midweekteaser time and @parr_books has a #teaser from upcoming #MMromance release 'Given Time'

This week's #midweektease comes from E.D.Parr and one of the  upcoming MMromance
releases from Evernight Publishing
Given Time
Music video maker, Angel Starc is about to board a plane to Paris when he receives some sudden sad news. It takes him hurrying back to his childhood home after two years away, estranged from his older brother, Rory.
Angel is amazed and filled with guilt when that night he meets the only man he’s found romantically attractive in a long time. How can it be right? He should only be filled with sorrow, but gorgeous, caring Matt Loewe wraps him in a blanket of comfort and love that heals Angel’s troubled soul.
Delectable, artist, Matt Loewe, follows his hunches and his heart. He’s been looking for love and Angel ignites an addictive passion in him.
As the two men fall deep in love they provide each other with the care needed to come to terms with their past anxieties.

A delicious love story with HEA
Read the #midweek teaser 

Angel shifted in his arms. “Tell me all about yourself, Matt.” He settled against Matt’s body wanting to share information that might bind them together. There was something so right about this encounter.

“I never know what to tell people when they say that. Ask me questions, instead.”

“I get that. I’m the same. I looked in my brother’s studio and there was nothing—no preliminary sketches, no photographs, no sign of an impending work. What do you make of that since you came here to work with him?”

Matt shuffled along the bed to look into Angel’s eyes. “He must have already taken everything to the exhibition space. We have a studio booked in the art complex to work on the sculpture. Why do you ask? I am legit. I’m not spinning you some story to get you in bed.”

Angel ran his hand along Matt’s shoulder. “Hell, that’s not what I meant at all. I wondered if maybe, because he’d been ill, he’d not been working. I have no doubt you’re legit. I’m sorry. That wasn’t a question about your integrity. Tell me about your work.”

“He was ill? There was no hint of that in the correspondence. I’m sorry to hear it. As for my work, I recently ventured into what’s fondly termed social comment sculpture. Your brother and I were going to make a street scene using photographs I’ve taken as inspiration. I usually paint.”

Angel watched the play of emotion in Matt’s eyes. He waited until Matt finished the sentence and then kissed him.
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing June release 
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