Sunday, July 30, 2017

Meme time and #SexySnippets brings you #MMromance #suspense and dangerous sexy Jay Levesque @EncompassInk

#SexySnippets are seven sentences brought to you each Sunday from a published work or WIP
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This week's #sexysnippets comes from #MMromance #suspense
Heart in Chains

When Connor Douglas takes a tropical island holiday, he hopes to leave heartbreak behind. Little does he know the extent of the danger and sexual temptation that awaits him.
Long after Jay Levesque has closed down his operations on the very same tropical island, the memory of Connor haunts him.
Warm nights and scorching sex has someone’s heart in chains.
Erotic MM erotic, romantic suspense

Read the sexy snippet

The kiss was so unexpected and yet so delicious, Connor closed his eyes and let it happen. He drifted in the soft merge of Jay’s lips on his. The lingering pressure and the way Jay brought his other hand up to caress the back of Connor’s neck was addictive. Connor leaned into the embrace. His cock hardened. Tingles from the circle of Jay’s fingertips on his neck spread down his spine and made his ass feel melted. Thoughts left him. 

©Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink

Dangerous, sexy, mysterious Jay Levesque #MMromance #gayromance #kindleunlimited

HOP to the next #SexySnippet

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

The core of the inspiration came from seeing a lone man approach as fog descended on the long pathway. #MMromance #writing #GLBT

The inspiration behind the story:

Given Time, E.D.Parr, 2017 Evernight Publishing 

I wrote this story intending to dedicate it to someone in the front of the book when the publisher asked if I had a dedication. In fact, I didn’t when given the chance, because it no longer seemed appropriate.

The inspiration for the story came last Christmas when I went to stay with friends in another county, but one that I know very well and have lived in. Just like Matt in the story I was shocked and deeply saddened when a much-loved celebrity suddenly died on Christmas Day. I’d followed this artist’s work for years and, because he was a musician, the lyrics and his songs had often lifted me from sadness.

Like many others I wandered off to the house the person lived and died in, which was just a couple of miles away in the next village. I sat in my car watching the parade of people placing tributes along the wall of the house.

The core of the inspiration came from seeing a lone man approach as fog descended on the long pathway. He was tall, slender, dressed stylishly from head to foot in black, and he carried a bunch of white lilies that he placed beside other flowers. His melancholy exuded from his elegant movements. The sight struck me and I couldn’t put it out of my mind as the circumstances surrounding the  death of this musician was reported in the news for weeks.

I know a little about the deceased’s life and know sadness surrounding his love-life was often woven into his songs. I wrote the story for him … for him to have a happy ending. If that sounds weird, then that’s okay … he gave me, and still does, such pleasure through his music.

The story isn’t about a musician. It’s about life and love. There are a number of scorching hot love scenes in the story, which I enjoyed writing for the two heroes, Matt and Angel, who after hoping for love, finally find it.

Thank you to the unknown, gorgeous man who laid lilies outside the big old house.

Given Time, hot release #MMromance #gay erotic romance 
M/M erotic romance—contains gay male anal sex, oral sex, frottage, partner masturbation in the love scenes

Music video maker, Angel Starc is about to board a plane to Paris when he receives some sudden sad news. It takes him hurrying back to his childhood home after two years away.
Angel is amazed when that night he meets the only man he’s found romantically attractive in a long time.  Gorgeous, caring Matt Loewe wraps him in a blanket of comfort and love that heals Angel’s troubled soul. 
Delectable, artist, Matt Loewe, follows his hunches and his heart. He’s been looking for love and Angel ignites an addictive passion in him.
A delicious, erotic, gay love story with HEA
Global Amazon link
5* review ""I was totally captivated by this sweet, hauntingly beautiful tale..."

Saturday, July 22, 2017

A tale of two men, trying to find their place in the world and in each other. New release #MMromance @remmyduchene @manluvlikeaboss @evernightpub

Thank you so much for having me! I’d like to take a moment to talk about our newest release Love at the Right Tempo. I said our because I have the fantabulous Michael Mandrake. We enjoyed writing this story--a change from what we usually write--both of us. But the one thing that has remained the same--it's a tale of two men, trying to find their place in the world and in each other.


Violinist Frederick Tremblay is one of the biggest names in classical music. When it comes to work, he’s all in.  There is only time for music and working to make his dreams come through but none for love. Hell, he barely makes time to eat. When he agrees to play at an acquaintance son’s birthday party he figured he’d go in, make his rounds then go home—but his plans change when he walks into the path of Vaughan Singleton.

 Vaughan "Sin" Singleton is the disowned heir to a candy empire. After he came out, his life basically ended and he had to start over from scratch. Joining the military was the thing to save him and also the one thing that brought him to his knees. Forced to retire, slinging alcohol wasn’t his dream but he needs something to pay the bills and to assist with easing back into civilian life. When he meets Frederick, Vaughan isn’t looking for love, but one unguarded moment changes everything.

“Way to step out, man.” Deena giggled.
Frederick ignored her comment and put up his free hand. There was a man behind the bar, but he had his back turned and right now, no one else was there working with him. He looked to be busy drying glasses or perhaps washing. Though Frederick didn’t want to disturb him, he really wanted something else to quench his thirst.
“I’m sorry, excuse me, sir.”
The man turned around and approached them. “What can I get you?”
Frederick eyed the mature gentleman in front of him, taking in his features. Dark brown eyes, hair cut low with a beard and well trimmed mustache. His lips were thick. Kissable. Frederick loved a man with distinct features.
“Oh … um… I’d like a soda. Perhaps a 7-Up or Sprite if you have it.” Frederick continued staring, clutching his violin case tightly in his hands.
Deena seemed to pick up that he was tongue tied. “And I’ll have a beer. Heineken if you have it?”
“Heineken for the lady and a—um—soda for the gentleman,” the bartender said. There was a slightly hitch in the way he said soda, almost as if in disbelief. He then focused his attention on Deena. “Would you like the bottle or a glass?”
“The bottle is fine. I’m a simple kind of gal.” She giggled.
Frederick smiled at the man, still holding onto his violin as if it were a life raft. He wondered why the bartender seemed put off by his request. “Something funny about 7-Up or Sprite?”
The bartender eyed him with his head tilted slightly to the side. “Oh nothing.” He spoke, his lips forming over the two words making them escape his being easily. “Nothing at all.” Without another word, he walked over for a clean glass that sparkled. They had the word Prince’s with a crown on the side in golden letters. Using large hands, the bar man operated the tap to expertly fill the glass with Sprite before grabbing a green bottle of Heineken from a cooler and prying off the cap. When he returned he set the glass before Frederick without a word but offered Deena a smile with her drink. “Ma’am?”
“Thanks.” Deena batted her eyelashes at him.
Frederick suppressed a growl and eyed his glass, watching the bartender walk away again. For some reason, it bothered him that the guy appeared to be bothered by his choice of beverage. “I don’t drink alcohol, by the way. I’m sort of boring. The fact I play violin is the most interesting thing about me.” Frederick set Gabriel beside him in a vacant chair. He lifted the glass to his lips and swallowed slowly, still gazing at the handsome gentleman working the bar.
Deena nearly spat out her beer, and she nudged him with her elbow.
“To each their own,” the bartender said. “Did anyone let Stuart know you’re here?”
Frederick finished his Sprite, still gawking at the man. “Yes, the hostess did. I suppose she’ll be back shortly. Do you mind if I ask your name?” Frederick thought he’d go for broke even though it was quite possible he’d be barking up the wrong tree. A part of him said he wasn’t, or perhaps he hoped that to be true.
Deena gasped next to him, seemingly in surprise.
The bartender moved to stand directly across from Frederick, braced his elbows into the bar and leaned in. “If you wish to tell my boss I’ve been an ass to you,” he said, his voice warm and rough. “You don’t need my name for that. All you have to do is tell him the black guy at the bar. I’m the only one here.”
Frederick shivered at the sound of the man’s voice and how he leaned in so close to him. Instead of shying away as he usually did, he decided to play the game. “Actually, I wasn’t thinking that at all. More like, I wanted to know your name so I know the lovely man that is taking such good care of us tonight and, maybe might like to have a drink with me after my performance?” Frederick knew he was going for broke. Gazing at the bartender, Frederick had every intention on finding out something about him, even if it was the disappointing news he’d dread.
“I see.” The barman licked his lips. “I’m working. Drinking on the job is strictly prohibited, and besides—you’re not a fan of alcohol.”
Frederick sighed inwardly. He looked to Deena for help, but she only kept drinking her beverage.
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IG @manluvlikeaboss

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On Facebook by searching Author Michael Mandrake

Remmy and Michael

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

He was playing with fire. This hot guy couldn’t be allowed to find out what his hobby was. #MMromance for #midweektease #erotica #GLBT

This week's #midweektease comes from 
Thief of Hearts 

Alex had no reason at all to clean the windows on the north side of the eighth floor three days after he’d already cleaned them, but he couldn’t resist checking on Blake. He stopped the cradle outside the window and stared in.

Blake sat at his desk with his back turned and a cell phone clamped to his ear.
Alex traced the broad shoulders in the navy blue jacket with an appreciative gaze. He watched Blake gesture in the air as he spoke on the phone and fondness grew in his heart. Alex waited for Blake to turn around and see him. He was playing with fire. This hot guy couldn’t be allowed to find out what his hobby was. Alex excused his past larceny. I could turn over a new leaf. I could stop right now and go after Blake. Couldn’t I? I want him. I want to know him.

Blake swiveled the chair around, threw down his phone as if annoyed, and stood. He hadn’t seen Alex—that much was obvious. Then he raised his head.
Even from across the room, Alex saw the surprise and pleasure enter Blake’s eyes. He raised his hand in a little wave. His heart hammered. His stomach churned.

Blake walked to the window and gazed at Alex.

Alex’s usual flirtatiousness deserted him and was replaced by a serious need to be close to Blake. He glanced around. Unless someone looked up from the street, he didn’t expect anyone could see him. He pulled up his t-shirt, displaying his torso to Blake, teasing and seducing the man he’d set his heart on. He hitched the hem in the neckline, and with a deliberately slow move, he unzipped his jeans. His cock strained at his black underwear. The tip already poked from the top and his stomach clenched when Blake ran his fingertips across the glass at cock height.

Blake gazed at Alex’s cock and ran his tongue across his bottom lip.

Alex’s senses went into overdrive. He ached to touch Blake. Instead, he pulled his dick from his CK’s, and pumped a couple of times.

Blake’s eyes darkened and his expression filled with desire.

A moan escaped Alex. A frown creased between his eyes. Desperation to be with Blake threatened to drive him to his knees. He gazed at Blake.

Blake backed away.

The bulge in Blake’s pants told Alex, Blake wanted him. The look in Blake’s eyes spoke of tenderness and sex. Disappointment flowed over Alex as Blake left the window. The glass couldn’t be opened or Alex would have flung it open, jumped in, and offered his clenching ass to Blake for a fuck. He pulled his underwear over his throbbing, leaking cock. He dragged the zip of his jeans halfway up. His dick was so huge he couldn’t fasten his pants properly. When he looked up, Blake was back at the window. He held up a sheet of A4 paper.

Alex read the writing on there. “Come to the office.” 

©E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing

HOP to the NEXT #MWTease #midweektease

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching. Their encounters erotic. #MMromance for #SexySnippets

Sexy Snippets are seven sentences, taken from a work in progress, or published book, brought to you every Sunday.

We also now have a Facebook Page

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A Forever Kind of Thing
Businessman Will has hoped to meet musician Josh for so long, he’s astonished and elated when Josh finally notices and pursues him at one of the band’s gigs.
After a heady night of love, Josh is devastated when Will turns out to be a millionaire. He’s not a hustler. He couldn’t take and he couldn’t compete. He retreats into his music.
Will is sure they could have something special and tries to prove his love for Josh in the only way he knows how. Trouble is—it’s the wrong way.
Josh is shocked to discover he can’t forget Will.
They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching. Their encounters erotic.
But Josh is running in the opposite direction as Will longs to love him.
Can love triumph?
A fun gay erotic romance 

Read the #SexySnippet

 A low cloud of machine-generated mist shrouded the base of the stage and a pre-recorded instrumental heralded their arrival. The standing audience surged forward. The band raged into the opening bars of their best-known song, and the people whooped and applauded, joining in the chorus happily.

Josh raked the faces of the audience with a desperate gaze searching for the man who was always there. When he saw the familiar handsome face to the back of the crowd on the dance floor that fronted the slightly raised stage, a wave of relief hit him and brought a smile to his face aimed directly at the man. Josh sang to him—for him. By the time he was to perform his acoustic guitar solo song, he’d entered a dream where the gorgeous guy told Josh he loved him and they fucked each other hard all night, only surfacing for coffee late the next morning.

©Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink
Delicious, erotic #MMromance
A Forever Kind of Thing
They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching. Their encounters erotic.
But Josh is running in the opposite direction as Will longs to love him.
Can love triumph? #kindleunlimited

HOP to the next #SexySnippet

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Friday, July 14, 2017

Wish upon a falling star with #Flashback Friday #MMromance @evernightpub @parr_books

Fashion photographer Dale Walker takes a train to his hometown, relocating there after nursing a broken heart for six months in another city. His train makes an unscheduled stop to take on a mysterious passenger.
For a long time, Valentine Steel has hoped to meet a man who will love him. When he sees Dale on the train, he’s overjoyed to find a vacant seat beside Dale.
Dale’s immediate attraction to Valentine has him on edge. He doesn’t want another broken heart, and yet Valentine is so magnetic Dale’s frozen heart begins to thaw.

Valentine sets out to charm and capture Dale in his sparkling aura. He can’t let the chance to have Dale’s love slip away. 

Read the #Flashback Friday teaser 

“Can I ask you … are you the passenger the train made the unscheduled stop for?”

Slowly, a smile spread across Valentine’s face. In an enigmatic way, he leaned forward and whispered as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear. “I don’t make a habit of it.”

Dale teased. “It’s unusual. You have to be some kind of VIP. Am I talking with aristocracy or maybe the CEO of Translines?” Dale smiled to soften the questions that unexpectedly didn’t sound teasing to his ears once spoken.

Valentine shrugged. “Neither. I came aboard looking for someone.”

Surprised by this, Dale couldn’t contain his question. “Did you find them?”

Valentine didn’t answer. He played with the handle of his coffee cup. With his gaze downcast and his dark hair falling over his forehead, there was an air of vulnerability about him.

The wish to comfort Valentine, gripped him hard, surprising Dale. Instinctively, Dale placed his hand over Valentine’s where he rested it by his still laden plate. Concern flooded him.

Valentine took Dale’s hand in his. He lifted his gaze to Dale’s face. “I hope so.”

A shock of sensation made Dale tremble. Time slowed. It was clear Valentine referred to him. Fear and desire mingled into a stomach churning mass.

Valentine held onto Dale’s hand and Dale closed his eyes briefly, as he allowed himself time to take stock and savor Valentine’s touch.
“You mean me … or, or, what do you mean?” He attempted to take his hand from Valentine’s gentle grasp.

Valentine loosed Dale’s hand. “Oh, nothing—it doesn’t matter. Should we pay the bill?”

The strange, intense moment had passed. Dale stood unhappily. “I’ll get it.” He went to the bar counter and paid for breakfast. The normality in the action settled his nerves. He glanced over his shoulder to see Valentine gazing out of the window. The man exuded sorrow. A pang of regret that he’d not held onto Valentine, maybe flirted more … stolen a kiss … something other than what he’d done, saddened him. In the six months since he and Jack had split, Dale had thought about going to a bar and having a fling, something to ease his ache of loneliness and loss. He missed sex. He missed the comfort of a man’s arms around him and the feel of a hard body against his. Valentine was attracted to him—he knew it. Will Valentine respond if I make a pass at him? Dale made up his mind.

The bartender stood behind the counter staring expectantly at him.
“Is there something else, sir?”

Dale smiled. “Yes, two cognacs, and coffee. Could you have them brought to the lounge area, please?” He slid his credit card back across the bar.

His order received a smile and answering nod. “Yes, sir.”

Dale strode to Valentine. “There are lounge seats at the end of the dining car. I ordered cognac and more coffee—the alpine warmer.”

The way Valentine leapt to his feet with a smile touched Dale’s heart. He made his way down the car to the lounge area.

A couple sat on one of the low, couch-like seats engrossed in conversation. Dale took a seat in the corner well away from them, and with an obvious nod of his head, invited Valentine to sit next to him.

Valentine sat. He edged to face Dale.

Dale did the same. “Tell me more about yourself, Valentine.” He flashed Valentine a look filled with enticement. When he wanted to, Dale could flirt as well as anyone.

©E.D.Parr  2017 Evernight Publishing 

#MMromance #gayromance erotic romance Falling Star Valentine  
A different kind of SciFi 
Please not contains MM sex, anal sex, oral sex, partner masturbation

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

He grabbed Angel and crushed him close #midweektease #MMromance from new release Given Time #gayromance @evernightpub

Midweek Tease from new release #MMromance
 Given Time

Music video maker, Angel Starc is about to board a plane to Paris when he receives some sudden sad news. It takes him hurrying back to his childhood home after two years away.
Angel is amazed when that night he meets the only man he’s found romantically attractive in a long time.  Gorgeous, caring Matt Loewe wraps him in a blanket of comfort and love that heals Angel’s troubled soul. 

Delectable, artist, Matt Loewe, follows his hunches and his heart. He’s been looking for love and Angel ignites an addictive passion in him.

Read the midweek teaser
Angel sagged against the wall and looked up at Matt. He pushed the letter into Matt’s hand. Right then he couldn’t speak. He was numb.

Matt didn’t read the letter. He shoved it under his thumb that secured the sheaf of newspaper cuttings in his hand. He grabbed Angel and crushed him close.

Angel pressed into Matt’s embrace. He pushed his face into Matt’s neck. The warmth and comfort of his lover’s skin soothed him. The familiar light herbal scent from Matt’s shower gel filled his head and Angel closed his eyes. It felt like coming home when Matt held him. He was safe in Matt’s arms. They belonged together. Some of the words in Rory’s note echoed in his mind. One of my strange hunches…

Matt ran his hand along Angel’s back and held the back of his neck. The touch sent tingles down Angel’s spine. He lifted his head to look into Matt’s eyes.
“I wouldn’t have found this. I glanced at the jacket hanging there and it never crossed my mind to check it. How long have you known there was something in the pocket?”

Matt’s eyes glistened with tears. “A day, well, a little longer...”

Angel knew there was more. Love burst over him like melting honey. He couldn’t push for whatever else there was. A tear escaped from one eye and ran down his face. He smiled at Matt. “Thanks for finding it. I think I need a drink. What about you?”

Matt kissed the tear as it reached Angel’s jaw and then brushed his lips gently on Angel’s mouth. “Let’s go back to the hotel and down a couple of whiskies.”

©E.D.Parr 2017, Evernight Publishing 

On release discount at Evernight Publishing 


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Sunday, July 2, 2017

He slowly unbuttoned his shirt #MMromance for #SexySnippets #GBLT @EncompassInk

#SexySnippets are seven sentences brought to you each Sunday from a WIP or published work

When Chris Falconer receives an email from his lost high school friend, Justin, ten years after he last saw him, Chris is overjoyed. The two boys had shared kisses and sworn love for each other, but before their love could be tested, Justin’s mother abruptly took Justin out of school, and they disappeared.
Multi-talented and handsome Chris is a cage fighter at Jack’s Clubhouse, and the Dungeon Master in the Candy Apple club. He writes a column for a fitness blog and keeps himself busy, but deep down he’s never forgotten Justin—turns out Justin has never forgotten Chris either.
On a modeling assignment in New York, Justin sees Chris in a café and can’t help contacting him, but his ex, Todd, who doesn’t want Justin but doesn’t want Chris to have him either, has plans to throw their reunion into disarray.
So begins a love story full of emotion. Will Todd succeed? Or this time, will Justin and Chris have the happy ending and delicious love they deserve?
A second chance erotic gay romance with a touch of suspense.
Read the #SexySnippet
Justin’s gaze moved over Chris in a slow appraisal. “I was so overwhelmed last night I don’t think I understood just how hot you are.”
Chris grinned at Justin expressing about him what he felt about Justin. “That’s how I feel about you. I keep wanting to tear your shirt off.”
Justin gazed into Chris’s eyes. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt. 
©Elodie Parkes, Encompass Ink

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