Sunday, August 13, 2017

Handsome Tom Wells sets lonely Scott Palmer’s heart racing #SexySnippets #MMromance

Sexy Snippets are seven sentences from a published work or WIP brought to you each Sunday
This week from , Love Unmasked, MM erotic romance 

 He gazed wistfully at Tom. “It’s been a long time since I felt this way.”

“And what way is that?” Tom’s eyes darkened as he looked into Scott’s. His expression was pure desire and he grabbed at Scott’s fingers.

Scott left his fingers in Tom’s grip. “I want you … all the fucking time.” 

Handsome Tom Wells sets lonely Scott Palmer’s heart racing as he watches Tom come and go from his apartment across the street. Scott longs to meet Tom, and when he scores a new job delivering goods for a local distributor, fate hands him the opportunity.
Tom works in a nightclub—the Candy Apple, and in the sultry environs, a masked stranger seduces Tom. The seeds of passion are sown, but just who has ignited Tom’s passion?
Scott’s longing to know Tom leads him to join the elite nightclub. On his first visit, the club holds a masquerade event.
Who is kissing who? Who’s under the black velvet mask?
An erotic MM romance, with a twist of fun and HEA. Available on KU
Global Amazon link


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  1. Fabulous snippet. You can feel the chemistry :-)

  2. Such a lovely moment between them.
