Sunday, December 24, 2017

I will twist my fingers in his night-dark hair and drag him to my kiss... Relax with the first two chapters of #MMromance The Dreamboat #gayromance @evernightpub

5 star review for The Dreamboat

... I absolutely devoured this awesome, magnificent, magical, sexy, and captivating tale...The Dreamboat sizzling new release MM romantic erotica
Global Amazon link

Gorgeous, powerful warlock, Indigo Vaughn, sells his magic spells to people looking to make a dream come true. One night, as he gazes down on the city below from his sky barge The Dreamboat, he wonders why, in centuries, his own wish for a man to love hasn’t materialized.
Beautiful, sexy, Darian O’Harr has suffered his fair share of misery. He’s a musician and learned long ago to sing for his supper. New to the city, he comes to Indigo seeking a spell that will bring him the love of a handsome man.

Read the first two chapters

Chapter One

“Good evening, your majesty.” His hand on his heart, signifying loyalty for his young queen, Indigo Vaughn bowed. He gave Lissabella a smile that made his handsome face even more beautiful.
“Indigo, it’s so good to see you. I wish you’d visit more often.” Into her eyes crept the usual flirtatious twinkle. “Dear one, you deliver my gift early again. One day you will delegate security on my birthday festival to someone else.”

She glanced at the trio of musicians who sat waiting in the corner of the room.
Within seconds, music filled the air. Notes so sweet, they resonated along the filmy wall hangings and translucent drapes at the windows, causing them to billow gently as if blown by a warm summer breeze.

Indigo looked kindly on the queen. He held out his hand knowing she expected him to dance with her—just one slow dance that fed her fantasy he might one day spend more time with her, even though he’d made it plain he preferred the company of men when it came to lovers.

Lissabella took his hand and rose. She slipped into his arms. “Closer.”

Indigo obliged, pulling her to his body as he led the dance. His steps lightened with magic, he swirled Lissabella around the room, until she laughed aloud, joy ringing in the words with which she always ended their dance. “A kiss, Indigo.”

He brought them to a standstill and softly kissed his queen’s cheek.

Her sigh touched him as his mouth left her skin.

Indigo led her to the ornate couch where she sat. “Thank you.” Her sad whisper brought him to his knees before her. He slid the ruby ring he’d brought for her from his little finger. It would need fitting. He held it up. The gem shot scarlet rays of light across the room.

Delight filled Lissabella’s eyes. She held out her hand devoid of jewelry in readiness for his annual gift.

Indigo smiled and slipped the ring on each finger until she chose one that suited. He drew away, summoned his magic, and wrapped his hands around hers. When he surrendered her hand, the ring would fit perfectly. A moment later, and he grazed her knuckles with his lips, before he stood.

“Goodnight now, Indigo.” Her gaze caressed him.

Indigo bowed and left her. The annual visit always forced a wave of sadness through him. He could never give her what she wanted and she knew that, had always known that he loved men. All the same, he took the long route back to his home, drifting over the city, and skimming the surrounding forests and rivers in his skeeter.

Finally, as he docked the craft at one of the entrances to his sky barge, the sadness lifted. He exited the skeeter and walked along the corridor to eat dinner before he checked his appointments for the next day.

Chapter Two

One year later

Indigo Vaughn stared down at the lights of the city far below. His sky barge, the Dreamboat, sailed majestically and wonderfully slowly through the night sky. The city and surrounding outer suburbs spread out like a twinkling jeweled carpet. Indigo sighed as his imagination took flight, and he dreamed up a beautiful man waiting there just for him. He will be muscled and tall, and have eyes that remind me of the deep blue sea off the coast of my Celtic home.

He drew in a ragged breath. The pain in remembering the far away and long ago place hit him like a spear in his heart. He forced himself on. I will twist my fingers in his night-dark hair and drag him to my kiss. His sexy lips will taste better than the sweetest wine, and once I have kissed him he’ll be mine forever. Indigo rested his forehead on the special glass of the window. He closed his eyes. He didn’t expect ever to meet this dream man. He’d lived for so long without romantic love he sometimes wondered how much longer he could withstand the crushing sadness of his empty life.
Indigo conjured the dreams of his clients, producing the spell for what they craved on the Dreamboat. Sometimes they lived their dream for the rest of their lives. Sometimes they simply fucked up the chance he gave them. Indigo opened his eyes and saw that the sky barge was over one of the huge lakes on the outskirts of the city.

Is it my eternal curse never to conjure my own dream? I shouldn’t torture myself. Perhaps this is my destiny, but a long life without love is no life at all.

He saw movement on the surface of the lake. Water boats crisscrossed the placid surface. Indigo left the window, exited his private quarters, and walked with all the grace he could muster to the consulting room. Two clients awaited him that night.

His assistant, Milan, greeted him as he entered the anteroom.
“Good evening, sir. The first of your clients is prepared.”

Indigo bestowed a grateful smile on Milan. “Thank you. I’ve read her request document and this won’t take long.”

He took a deep breath before he went into the consulting room. “Let nothing go wrong.” He always said this. It was his mantra to ward off anything bad, because Indigo, even after centuries, had never taken his magic for granted.

The woman’s request for the ability to speak a neighboring civilization’s language brought a smile to his face.
“Greta,” he shone the smile on his client, using the familiar greeting to put her at ease, “I will need you to close your eyes and then you will feel my hands on your head. A prickle of sensation will run from your forehead, down your spine and that will be it. The next time you meet your betrothed you’ll listen to him talk for only moments before you, too, will know, and use his language.”

The woman’s eyes widened and then she closed them.

Indigo placed his hands on the woman’s head. Her dark red hair springy in his fingers, he ignored the feeling and cast his mind into hers. He found fragments of the language she wished to speak. The knowledge merged with what he knew, and after gathering his magic, he whispered the spell that would make her dream true, sending it speeding through her brain and body.

She trembled under his touch.

He drew away. “There you are. All finished.”

Greta snapped her eyes open. “Thank you. I don’t feel any different.”

Indigo gave her a reassuring look. “That’s good. Tell me. Why not simply use a tech-translator? There are mechanisms now that are practically undetectable.”

She stood. “I want my betrothed to love me.”

Indigo watched her leave the room. He slipped the printout of her request document into the shredder thoughtfully, before he touched the button on the screen of his tablet computer that would tell Milan he was free.

Milan led the next client into the room. “Darian O’Harr, sir.”

Indigo kept his head bowed as if reading this man’s request document. Immediately Milan and the client entered, the room had filled with expectation, hope, and as Indigo finally raised his eyes to the client’s, the air sparked and charged with sexual attraction.

Indigo gazed at the man standing before him. His heart hammered in his chest as if trying to burst through the perfectly toned muscles and his dark shirt. Long ago he’d felt something like this, but the occasion was centuries distant. Right then, he could barely breathe with the sensation as he attempted to appear impervious to the sight before him.

“Good evening. I’ve read your request and can conjure the events to make your dream reality.” Indigo had to take a deep breath in order to go on. “Tell me, are you attending the festivities in the city the week after next for the queen’s birthday? The meeting will happen there.”

The beautiful man remained standing. He cast a glance at the chair positioned an arm’s length away from Indigo’s own seat. His ocean eyes regarded Indigo, filling with amusement and kindness. “May I sit?”

Indigo closed his eyes for a second. He couldn’t control the desire that zapped through his body. Amazed by his reaction, he forced himself to nod calmly. “Of course, forgive my discourtesy.”

Darian O’Harr gave him a smile. “Thank you. I am attending the festivities.” He drew aside his cloak, revealing an almost transparent cotton shirt that did nothing to conceal his hard muscled chest and, allowing the sides of the cloak to fall over his hips, he sat.

Indigo feasted on the sight of his client—dark, glossy hair, cut in a style that showed off the planes of his delectably handsome face and lips that enticed kisses. This man was his dream personified. It was heartbreaking. Indigo wondered if he really would be able to conjure the spell to give Darian O’Harr the lover he asked for. Indigo wanted Darian so much, his stomach ached, his chest hurt, his magic retreated under the blue gaze of the client.

He repeated his earlier assertion playing for time to gather his wits.
“I, er, I will conjure the spell so that your wish is fulfilled. I note, I note that you prefer men.”
Indigo glanced away from the expectant stare of this hunk before him. By all the stars, why do I meet a man who stirs my spirit when I have to conjure another man to be his lover? He gathered his magic as sadness weighed on his shoulders.

He drove away the thought, and concentrated. A place, a time, a man who loosely fit the description Darian requested. In his mind’s eye, he saw the man, walking past a small marquee, the night lit with fireworks to celebrate the queen’s name day. Try as he might, Indigo couldn’t see the man’s face for his cloak hood pulled low, but Darian was there. He saw the man hold Darian’s shoulders as if to hug or kiss him. Indigo didn’t like it, but he pushed for the spell to seal the meeting, and raised his hands to form his magic into a glowing silver sphere.

“Stop.” His client stood and grasped Indigo’s hands in his cool, strong palms.

The touch was electric. Tingles shot over Indigo’s hands and sparked up his arms. Desire rose and Indigo’s cock hardened. Indigo’s magic swept back into his body in an intense wave of energy. His eyes closed for moments as he took the shock and simultaneously attempted to quell his desire.
Darian O’Harr dropped Indigo’s hands. “Wow, sorry, I felt that.”

Indigo opened his eyes. Astonished by this, he stared at Darian. “What did you feel?”

The blue eyes regarding him, filled with interest. “It was as if an ocean tide pulled a wave from the shore.”

“Why did you stop me?”

Darian was silent for a few seconds, and then he answered softly. “I changed my mind.”

“Are you going to tell me why?” The words fell from Indigo’s mouth as his gaze ranged over Darian’s handsome face and settled on his lips. The urge to swoop on Darian and kiss him gripped Indigo. A tremble went over him as he pushed it away.

“I’d like to know how the process works.”

A frown creased between Indigo’s eyes. He sighed, telling himself there was no harm in telling Darian. “My magic is esoteric. I am not only a warlock. I’m also a seer. If there is a chance what someone wants is in their future, I can see that and help it along. I don’t usually control that part. It happens when I meet the person and begin the procedure. The idea is complex. I prefer using only my magic where possible.”

Darian gazed at him. “You see a lover in my future?”

Indigo heaved a breath. The thought Darian would have a lover other than himself cut deep. “Yes. He will be near a marquee at the festivities.” He lost his composure. “If you don’t want my services, you’re free to leave. Milan will return whatever you paid and call a public skeeter for your return to land.” He stood. The encounter was doubly unsettling. His sexual desire once wakened was intense, and now directed toward Darian, a man Indigo would never see again. Indigo strode from the consulting room.

Milan hurried toward him. “Sir?”

Indigo gentled his tone before speaking. Milan didn’t deserve to feel his irritation.

“Thank you, Milan, please assist Darian O’Harr to leave.” He swept along the corridor to his private quarters.

Copyright E.D.Parr Evernight Publishing 2017
A hot, surprising gay love story
The Dreamboat

Gorgeous, powerful warlock, Indigo Vaughn, sells his magic spells to people looking to make a dream come true. One night, as he gazes down on the city below from his sky barge The Dreamboat, he wonders why, in centuries, his own wish for a man to love hasn’t materialized.
Beautiful, sexy, Darian O’Harr has suffered his fair share of misery. He’s a musician and learned long ago to sing for his supper. New to the city, he comes to Indigo seeking a spell that will bring him the love of a handsome man.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

He looked what he felt, uncomfortable in the wet gray suit, downtrodden, and he’d forgotten to straighten his tie. #MMromance #midweektease

Welcome to #midweektease and this week's teaser is from Christmas
MM romance 'Make a Wish'

The day before, Dylan West might have been hopeful for a positive outcome of the interview, now, as he rode the elevator to the human resources department on the top floor of the store, he wasn’t so sure. His car breaking down was surprising. He had no idea what could be wrong with it. His luck with job seeking wore him down. Dylan didn’t usually give in to flights of fancy, but into his mind crept the thought. Maybe it’s an omen. The only bright spot was Nick Kringle. Dylan smiled as he considered the hot guy’s name. Must be Scandinavian—he looked like a Nordic god. What would it be like to have his muscled body rammed against mine? Hell, he was attractive, so hot. How old would he be? Thirty, maybe, like me.
The elevator car doors opened. He stepped out and walked along the corridor to the double swing doors at the end. Dylan checked his look in the reflection that mirrored him as he put a hand on the chrome handle of the tinted glass. Even blurred, he looked what he felt, uncomfortable in the wet gray suit, downtrodden, and he’d forgotten to straighten his tie. He did that as he walked into the large office.
The receptionist greeted him. “How can I help you, sir?” She looked him up and down.
Her obvious disapproval at his appearance wasn’t wasted on Dylan. He pulled at the jacket, trying to unstick it, and his best blue shirt, from his body. The Nordic god was right. His jacket was saturated.
“Dylan West for Rachel Carter. I have an appointment…” He tried to look over the counter at the tablet computer on her desk.
She glanced down at the list displayed there, and then obviously having found him on it, she raised her eyes to his face. “Yes, Mr. West, take a seat. Ms. Carter will be ready for you in a few moments.”
Dylan looked around for somewhere to sit. His gaze alighted on a row of armchairs. He stared at the brocade, cushioned seats. They wouldn’t respond well to soaking up his dampness. He perched on the end of one.
No sooner had he sat than a young man strode from an unseen door, and stood in front of him.
“Come this way, Mr. West.”
Dylan rose and followed the young man through a wide, empty office into a large room. In the middle of the room was a big, oval boardroom table, and two people sat at one end of it—a stern, thin-faced man and a woman in an impeccable blue suit.
The young man indicated a chair. “Please sit down, Mr. West.”
Dylan sank slowly onto the dark leather seat.
Across town, Nick Kringle ran into a toy store shielding a long flat box from the sleet inside his leather jacket. He sought out the recipient and then took off into the growing darkness. A few packages remained in the trunk of his SUV. He searched among them swiftly, reading the names and addresses looking for Dylan West. Nothing … maybe tomorrow … but this evening he’s going to be back with his broken-down car trying to get it towed or fixed. It won’t hurt to be passing by… Nick finished his deliveries, zigzagging across the city, thinking about the luscious guy in the dove-gray suit, made darker with rain.
He edged into the stream of traffic heading to the main business district where the advertised late-night shopping was in full swing. The car that Dylan West had abandoned stood exactly where Nick last saw it. He pulled his SUV in behind it.

Nick gazed out of the windscreen. The night sparkled. He breathed in the freezing atmosphere. Rushing people, tires swishing, multi-colored fairy lights sprinkled across the city like jewels. This was his favorite time of year. A time when anything could happen, and in his experience, usually did.
Copyright E.D.Parr Evernight Publishing 
Can wishes come true? You bet—especially if Nick Kringle has anything to do with it.
HOP TO THE NEXT #midweektease 
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Thursday, December 7, 2017

When his lover dumps him for another man, Paul is forced to rethink his life New release #MMromance @GaleStanley @ChangelingPress Preorder now

Silent Knight / Sleepless Knight by Gale Stanley

Cover art: Bryan Keller
Genres: New Release, Gay Romance, Multiple Partners, Holiday
Length: Box Set
Page Count: 145

Publisher's Note: Silent Knight, Sleepless Knight (Duet) contains the previously published novellas Silent Knights and Sleepless Knights.

Silent Knight
Paul Stanton thought he had it all, a great job, a beautiful condo and a stable relationship with his boss, but when his lover dumps him for another man, Paul is forced to rethink his life. Rather than spend the holidays alone in San Francisco he visits his childhood home in rural Pennsylvania. But only a few days with his family is enough to convince Paul that you can’t go home again.
Paul leaves for the airport in the midst of a snowstorm. Stranded in the woods, a chance meeting with a hunter is his only option for survival. Paul knows the type, a backwoods bigot just like the men he grew up with, but what choice does he have? A few days with the hunter convinces Paul there’s more to Andy Reynolds than meets the eye. But is it enough to bind two men who have nothing in common except their sex?

Sleepless Knight
Andy and Paul are totally committed to each other, but when the two-year itch infects their relationship, Paul becomes distant and refuses to talk about it. Andy arranges a much needed vacation, but on the way home they pick up a hitchhiker who’s willing to trade sex for a roof over his head. Andy will do anything to make Paul happy, even if it means bringing another man into their bed. But is a threesome really the answer? Or will it drive them further apart?


Andy studied his houseguest. Under different circumstances, Paul’s features would be extremely appealing, but right now, his high cheekbones were an unhealthy shade of pale, and his sensual lips were blue. He hoped Paul would accept his help. “Okay, let’s get you into bed.”

“I usually get dinner first,” Paul mumbled.

Paul’s attempt at humor was a good sign. Andy chuckled. “I’ll give you something to nibble on later, city boy.”

Andy helped his unexpected guest to the sleeping alcove. It was only across the room, but Paul leaned heavily on Andy, and by the time he sat on the bed, sweat beaded on Paul’s forehead. The man was obviously exhausted, but he tried to push Andy away when he attempted to undress Paul.
“Come on, city boy. You need to warm up.”

“I’m good.” Paul’s sentence ended with a shiver.

“You’re not good. You’re hypothermic and maybe frostbitten. Let me take your clothes off, and maybe we’ll save a few body parts.”

Andy’s harsh words must have gotten through to Paul. He stopped protesting and allowed Andy to undress him. When only Paul’s boxers remained, Andy surveyed his body with a clinical eye. There were no disturbing signs of frostbite. He just needed to rest and warm up. Paul might be cold, but he was also incredibly hot. Andy couldn’t help checking out his houseguest’s perfect golden tan. Obviously, the man was from a warmer locale. And Paul’s lean, muscular body, sprinkled with light brown hair, shouted gym rat. When Paul lay down on his back, Andy was surprised to see an erection escaping Paul’s boxers. He reached for the waistband to pull the shorts off.

Paul rose on his elbows and swore under his breath. “See anything you like?”

Available at

Author Bio and Links

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.
Some things never change.

Happy Reading! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

If you love a sizzling tale of manlove with a fantasy edge and a touch of #menage #midweektease #MMromance

Mid Week Tease this week is from last week's MMromance release
The Dreamboat
So if you love a sizzling tale of manlove with a fantasy edge and a touch of menage, do check it out

Read the teaser

Indigo’s heartbeat hammered as he left Darian standing on the bridge. He passed the small marquee striped with vivid orange and lemon and glanced at the canvas door flapping in the night breeze. He’d checked the tent the first time he’d made his rounds. It had been used to sell cold drinks, and the re-cycle box was full of hard plastic tumblers and glass bottles. The temptation to look back at Darian tugged at him, but he strode on, determined to finish his work and then take pleasure in the hunk’s company. I never expected that … for him to be there … or for him to want me. I hope he wants more than just a quick fuck. He’s so hot, and beautiful. I already want him badly. There was no way I could resist him. That kiss was delicious. Stars, my cock’s aching. Maybe he stopped me in my spell because he’s attracted to me. Maybe he saw the relentless desperate longing in my eyes. A smile spread on Indigo’s lips as he made a little fun of his need for love.

Despite his continual checking of the time, the rest of the night’s work flew by and Indigo made his way to his skeeter. He saw Darian standing at the entrance to the skeeter park. His heart gave a huge thud in his chest and then beat so fast Indigo was out of breath when he came to a halt beside his intended lover.

Darian’s happy smile of greeting brought an instinctive smile to Indigo’s lips in response.
“You’re here.” Darian’s low voice sent thrills of pleasure coursing over Indigo’s stomach.

“Yes, of course.” Indigo couldn’t say more. A surge of desire for hunky Darian made him bizarrely nervous. He stood before the man he’d craved at first sight.

Darian gazed at him with eyes reflecting lust and admiration. “I want you to know before you take me to the Dreamboat, I’m inexperienced and it’s been some time since I did this.”

Tenderness in his voice, Indigo tried to reassure Darian. “I’ll enjoy your company no matter what.”

Darian’s dark blue gaze traveled down Indigo’s body and rested for long moments on the growing bulge in his pants. “The kiss on the bridge took my breath away. I can’t wait to hold you naked in my arms.”

Indigo’s cock hardened even more and he whispered, “Then we both feel the same. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Darian strode alongside him to the skeeter.

Indigo unlocked it with a wave of his hand and the doors lifted.

“Hop in, Darian.” Happiness rose as he said the name. He smiled to himself as he sat in the pilot’s seat and closed the doors. That felt right, as if we’re together … long-term lovers. I’d like that … very much.

Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing 
Still on release discount at Evernight
Also available

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