Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The seeds of passion are sown, but just who has ignited Tom’s passion? #MWtease #midweektease #MMromance

#midweektease comes to you this week from 
Love Unmasked
Handsome Tom Wells sets lonely Scott Palmer’s heart racing as he watches Tom come and go from his apartment across the street. Scott longs to meet Tom, and when he scores a new job delivering goods for a local distributor, fate hands him the opportunity. 
Tom works in a nightclub—the Candy Apple, and in the sultry environs, a masked stranger seduces Tom. The seeds of passion are sown, but just who has ignited Tom’s passion? 
Scott’s longing to know Tom leads him to join the elite nightclub. On his first visit, the club holds a masquerade event. 
Who is kissing who? Who’s under the black velvet mask?
An erotic MM romance, with a twist of fun and HEA. 

Read the teaser 

Tom sank his head onto Scott’s shoulder. He slipped his hand onto Scott’s thigh.
“I want to know you. I want that mask off. I want to see you. Who are you, because you’re not the guy I thought you were originally. It wasn’t you who sucked me off on the night of the first masquerade party.”
Scott’s stomach lurched. Just as he feared, someone did have sex with Tom. That’s what Tom had meant with all the references to “this time” when they’d been in the storeroom. His jealousy spiked and made his tone harsh as he answered. “I think the sex is hot because you don’t know me—because of the masks.” He didn’t mean it. It was just something to say.
Tom lifted his head and slid his hand along Scott’s jaw. He brought Scott’s face to his, kissed him, and whispered. “I’m not wearing a mask.”
Scott didn’t answer. He returned Tom’s kiss. The meaning in Tom’s words thrilled him.
Tom tunneled his fingers into Scott’s hair and gazed into his eyes. “How did you know who was under the mask at the last event, so that you could arrange this? There are other male servers.”
Worry spiked down Scott’s spine. “No one looks like you. Your body, the way you move, it’s unmistakable.”
Tom smiled and ran his hand up and down Scott’s side. “Yeah, I like you, too.”
Scott didn’t know how to carry on. He looked away.
Tom held his hand. “Hey, wait for me to finish my shift. Come home with me. We could fuck, talk, and have breakfast together. Time to unmask because we have obvious sexual chemistry and there’s tenderness in your kiss, don’t deny it.”
Scott couldn’t do it. He wondered about the first masquerade party and the guy who’d sucked Tom off then. It was suddenly clear that Tom had approached him the night he’d been at the second masquerade party because Tom thought the other man had returned.
“Did you have chemistry with the first guy?”
Tom gave Scott a look that bordered on hurt. “I don’t think so … no, no I didn’t. He was out to get me. I succumbed because I needed the sex. I work long hours and honestly, I don’t get much sex. I thought you were him because you wore the same mask, but not now.”
Scott stroked Tom’s wrist and arm. He shifted so that he could bring Tom into his embrace. “I didn’t mean…”
Tom cut him off. “The other guy, he’s not all that great in reality. I saw him again here in the club with a girl, and he was unpleasant when I spoke to him. It made me feel bad about … about things, but it also made me realize there was someone else. You, in fact…”
Scott kissed him softly. He breathed in the slight woody scent of Tom’s cologne. He soaked up the feel of Tom’s skin and rubbed his jaw on Tom’s shade of stubble.
“I’ve kept you away from work long enough. Better dress.”
He stood and dressed as fast as he could.
Tom dressed quickly, too.
He held Scott’s waist. “I mean it. Wait for me. Just stand at the end of the bar where I first saw you, around two a.m. and tell me, tell me you’re there for me, although I’d know your body anywhere now, and those lips ... yeah...” He grinned.
Scott’s stomach dipped. He couldn’t speak a lie, but he gave a tiny nod, knowing he wouldn’t do it, but not wanting to tell Tom. Exactly why he couldn’t rip off the mask and let Tom know his identity was a mystery to him then. He took Tom to the door and showed him out with a kiss.
Scott had never used a room like this before. He tried to remember the process for vacating it that Charlie had told him when he joined. He made sure he’d not dropped anything and went to the door. It was only then he noticed the surveillance dials on the wall. Too late to turn anything down or off ... oh well… Alongside was a small printed sign. It displayed the instructions for leaving the room.
He flicked the small catch across on the inside of the door, checked that the words, ‘Ready for Cleaning,’ showed in the space on the outside, and let the door swing shut. Scott pondered how the green light changed to red for occupied or needing cleaning as he made his way along the corridor to the main room. Must be on some sort of automatic switch or maybe it’s linked to the surveillance or the door catch... Music became louder. Scott gave up thinking about it. He slipped the mask off and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. He half-expected Tom to be lurking at the corridor entrance to catch him sneaking away, but only a man and woman leaned on the wall there making out.

Scott walked quickly to the exit and out into the night air. The sunny day had given way to a crystal clear night, cool and sparkling. Scott admitted to himself that he was already so emotionally invested in Tom that he needed to take courage and tell Tom who he was. How could a half-mask make any real difference to my appearance? He asked himself as he drove home. Scott sat in his parked car outside his apartment block deep in thought. What am I afraid of? I don’t know. Tom already wants to see me without the mask. Maybe it’s because I just couldn’t take it if he didn’t love me, because I think I love him. Yeah, I’m in love with him. Fuck, that’s so dangerous. The best thing I can do, now I know he’s gay, is make some kind of pass at him as myself, when I deliver to the club. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll ask him out.
Copyright Elodie Parkes , Encompass Ink

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  1. Oooh, that's lovely. I really hope they work everything out.

  2. Oh, yes. Very nice indeed. Great teaser. I'm rooting for Scott.
