Wednesday, November 1, 2017

White-hot fury filled the leopard. He leapt with his massive paws spread and brought down both men #midweektease #MMromance #PNR

Today I'm teasing from new release MM romance/erotic romance

The leopard bowed his head to Liam. He softened his growl to a low burr.

Liam froze.

Two men joined him on the path, but they didn’t follow his gaze upward. One pushed Liam hard so that he staggered backward. The other let out an ugly grating laugh and followed Liam along until his face was close to Liam’s.
Karl heard the words.

“Wallet, phone, now, faggot.” The man slapped Liam around the face a couple of times.

Liam had lost his balance and fought not to fall.

The other man kicked him in the stomach. “I like his jacket. Do you like it, Chet? Take it off, pretty boy.” He directed this at Liam.

Liam had hit the ground. His eyes met Karl’s.

White-hot fury filled the leopard. He leapt with his massive paws spread and brought down both men. He left his claws unsheathed and the rip of fabric echoed in his ears as he pinned them to the sidewalk. He snarled in the face of the one who’d called Liam a faggot and received a terrified scream for it. He turned his head and placed his nose on the nose of the man in a leather jacket who’d wanted Liam’s black dinner jacket. Karl’s growl rumbled. Tears ran from the man’s eyes. His breath came in gasps and whimpers.

Karl leisurely stood away and surveyed his handiwork.

The two men shuffled backward into the street, their faces contorted with terror.
Karl looked around. Liam pressed flat against the door of the townhouse as if this hid him.

Someone opened an upstairs window and called out. “What’s going on? It’s the middle of the night. I’m calling the police.”

Karl went to Liam. He purred as he nudged Liam’s thigh with his shoulder. He cast a glance at the two men as they scrambled to their feet and ran. He stood guard at Liam’s feet until the men were out of sight.

A siren split the early morning silence—in the distance but coming closer.

Karl gave Liam a longing look and then loped away. Around the corner was the side entrance to a small apartment block. Karl took it and leapt to the roof of the carports there. He gauged the leap to the actual roof, crouched, and then took off. His claws scraped on the rain-wet tiles as he slipped, but he reached the flat surface, and cleared the decorative balustrade. Desperate to make sure Liam was okay, he spun around to take the next roof where he could look down on the sidewalk once more.

The siren had reduced to a strange whoop and the police car had halted. He’d missed the beginning of the conversation, but now Karl heard Liam’s voice shake.

“I’m okay, thank you, officer—just a bit shocked. They didn’t take anything in the end, just pushed me around. They spooked when someone shouted from the window. I guess the same person called you.”

“Where do you live, sir?”

Liam sighed. “Not here. I came to see a friend but they’re not in. I’m okay really.”

Karl gazed at Liam as he brushed at his suit pants and ran a hand through his lovely dark hair. His heart filled with tenderness. He wished he could run to Liam and hug him close.

“Yeah … we’ll give you a ride home, just to be on the safe side.”

Karl watched Liam slide into the back seat of the black and white. An officer closed the door. Karl turned away. He slunk home, used his claws to scale the tree, and leapt to his balcony. He lay on the rug in his bedroom and gazed at the moon hiding now and then behind billowing clouds. He didn’t sleep and as the moon changed places with the sun he silently shifted into his human form.

Karl wrapped a towel around his waist and ran his hands through his wet hair. He made coffee as sorrow and fatigue fought for first place. I love him and I’ll never be able to tell him what I am. Maybe I can just protect him from things like those thugs last night … yeah, I could silently take care of him… A sigh escaped him. All the same, I don’t want anything to happen just so I can rescue him. The aroma of his favorite Italian roast drifted from his cup, but that morning Karl was lost in sadness and it failed to cheer him. 

HOP to the next Teaser

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  1. Great tease, and congrats on the new release!

  2. Never mess with an angry cat. Love the tease.

  3. I can feel Karl's pain - and Liam's too, for that matter. Great tease - need more!! :)

  4. Goodness, so very sad. I feel for him. Great tease.

  5. Oh, poor Karl. He just wants to be with the man he loves. Great tease, Elodie!

  6. Great excerpt. I'm really digging this story.
