Sunday, November 19, 2017

He loves me, too. #MMromance #SexySnippets

Sexy Snippets are seven sentences from a WIP or published work brought to you
each Sunday
This week from erotic MMromance
Read the #SexySnippet

Liam’s eyes filled with emotion.
Karl read the love in Liam’s gaze. He loves me, too. Relief flooded him and he grabbed Liam into his arms. He rained kisses onto his lover’s mouth, and to his joy Liam responded.
Liam pressed his body against Karl’s, his arms clasped around Karl’s waist. His returning kisses were passionate and hungry. 
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing

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  1. It's a wonderful moment when they make that realisation. Sexy snippet.

  2. Such a romantic snippet. Love it :-)

  3. Sweet snippet with a bit of sexiness <3

  4. Oh, such vivid emotions. Love it when the feelings are clearly mutual :)
