Monday, March 20, 2017

The two men embark on a journey of discovery about themselves #MMromance #PNR from author @SheaonTwitter

"Bearly Hanging On M/M, Miracle Book 3"
Author: Shea Balik
Genre: Gay/Urban Romance
Release Date: March 20, 2017
Available thru Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon          Amazon UK
In a world where everyone was against them, they needed a Miracle. What no one had expected was to find their salvation in an abandoned town that was ready to collapse. Yet, that is exactly what happened when they moved to the town of Miracle, Oregon.
Kirill had been moving from town to town most of his life, staying one step ahead of those bent on destroying his kind. Along the way he’s somehow managed to become Alpha to a group of shifters also on the run. But he was tired of always having to pick up and move when all he wanted was a place to call home.
Harper had never known a moment of peace. Even as a child his father had pitted his own brother, Abdiel against him for his own amusement. When his father died, Harper had hoped things would change. He should have known better than to believe that change would be for the better.
The two men embark on a journey of discovery about themselves and the love they potentially share for each other. Can they get beyond their pasts, or will they be doomed to be separated for all eternity?
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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Meet The Thief of Hearts in #SexySnippets today from #WIP #MMromance

#SexySnippets are seven sentences brought to you each Sunday from a WIP or published work
From WIP, Thief of Hearts 
MM erotic romance

In an effort to gain control, Blake dared to lift his gaze to the man outside. He’d expected water to smear the glass, but the guy hadn’t made any effort to clean the window so Blake had a clear view of the striptease the window cleaner engaged in. 
He lifted the t-shirt he wore at the hem and in a tantalizing move slid it up his torso.
Blake’s mouth watered at the sight of the smooth, muscular chest on display. The man’s jeans rode low and Blake followed the V of his slim hips into the frayed top with greedy eyes. Blake caught his breath at the bulge in the front of the blue pants as the man thrust his hips a little taking the t-shirt over his head, before he dropped it beside him onto the cradle floor.
Blake stared in open appreciation of the broad shoulders and muscled arms before him.
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017  
HOP to the next #SexySnippet

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Flashing back to Make a Wish with #midweektease #MMromance #teaser

Make a Wish E.D.Parr , Evernight Publishing 
#MMromance #eroticgayrom
Read the teaser

Dylan looked on from the corner. The place buzzed with the excitement of people determined to have a good time.
Then he saw the hostess. She had her arm linked with that of Nick Kringle and pulled him into the throng of people. In the other hand, she brandished a huge bottle of champagne. A red ribbon around the neck of the bottle streamed behind them as they danced among the partygoers until Nick saw him. Dylan’s heart gave a giant thump and then raced as Nick’s eyes locked with his.
Dylan couldn’t look away. Nick gazed at him with unconcealed interest. A ripple of happiness went over Dylan. Nick said something to the hostess and left her. He walked toward Dylan purposefully, his muscled body radiating sex. Dylan’s stomach muscles instantly tightened, and his cock jerked.
Nick stopped just about toe to toe with Dylan.
“Hi. What happened to your car?” His pupils widened, darkening his ice-blue eyes.
Dylan soaked up the sight. He is attracted to me. “I left it by the roadside until the morning. I couldn’t face standing in the cold waiting for a tow truck.”
Nick’s eyes filled with sympathy. “You might find it gone tomorrow. It might get towed by the city.”
Dylan shrugged. “The way I feel right now, I wish it would.”
“What else do you wish for, Dylan?” Nick’s voice was low and sexy.
The question, combined with the scorching look Nick gave him, sent a shock of tingling desire all the way through Dylan’s body. He knew right then they’d connect sexually for sure, sooner or later. He hoped it would be sooner. The words that formed in his mind weren’t to be spoken—hot sex, your cock, your ice-blue eyes gazing on me and your hard body rammed against mine, fucking hell—you…
Nick’s expression grew tender. “You know you’re standing under a huge bunch of mistletoe?”
Dylan’s entire body tensed as a wave of desire burned over him. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from Nick’s mouth. The way Nick moved even closer to him captured him in a web of attraction. Unbidden, a sigh of pleasure escaped him.
Nick trapped him, placing a hand on the wall over Dylan’s shoulder as he leaned in. He murmured as he closed the gap between their faces, “Hey, I think you’re gorgeous. Don’t be afraid. I want your kiss. I want to kiss you.”
Nick’s lips touched Dylan’s, soft, tender, searching.

Dylan’s breath left him. His sexual hunger surged and he pushed his arms around Nick’s neck, pulling him close to kiss him hard, and then linger in a shower of kisses—kiss after kiss, until his cock strained against his jeans and his ass clenched.
Copyright E.D.Parr Evernight Publishing 

He's definitely not your average guy. Nick Kringle has more than a touch of the supernatural about him and he's going to share his magic with down on his luck, Dylan West . Naturally, it helps that Nick thinks Dylan is super hot...
Make a Wish
 #MMromance erotic romance with a sparkle of magic
Can wishes come true? You bet—especially if Nick Kringle has anything to do with it.

HOP to the next Midweektease 

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sizzle with #SexySnippets and #MMromance from @evernightpub

Sexy Snippets are seven sentences from a WIP or published work brought to you each Sunday
Find Sexy Snippets on Twitter and Facebook

From The Night Gardener
Hot new release from Evernight Publishing 

Architect, Dane Lovell takes an off-season vacation in an old New England mansion, hoping to ease his broken heart, and spark his imagination. Impressed by the pretty gardens, he’s surprised by the sinister atmosphere of the river than winds through the estate. Dane settles down to his vacation and tries to immerse himself in his drawings. One night, the sound of the back door smashing open in the wind and rain shocks Dane from his work.
Spooky, gorgeous, and enigmatic Zachary Yarrow has brought logs for the fire.
He’s the estate gardener and brings with him not just passion and a love affair for Dane, but a strange, spine-tingling mystery.
Who is Zachary, and what will happen when Dane finds out?

Read the #SexySnippet

He grabbed Zachary’s head and kissed him hard.
Zachary responded kiss for kiss as he rammed his lower body against Dane. The rock-hard column of his erection met Dane’s straining cock and although there were two layers of fabric between them, a murmur of appreciation formed in Dane’s throat. It escaped as he opened his mouth for Zachary’s tongue.

Dane slipped his hands around Zachary’s ass and grabbed him, pulling him even closer. His breath came in gasps as his balls lifted and desire fogged his mind. He thrust against Zachary, moaning.
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing 
Buy the book
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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Release day for E.D.Parr 's #MMromance The Night Gardener @parr_books #erotic surprising @evernightpub

Architect, Dane Lovell takes an off-season vacation in an old New England mansion, hoping to ease his broken heart, and spark his imagination. Impressed by the pretty gardens, he’s surprised by the sinister atmosphere of the river than winds through the estate. Dane settles down to his vacation and tries to immerse himself in his drawings. One night, the sound of the back door smashing open in the wind and rain shocks Dane from his work.
Spooky, gorgeous, and enigmatic Zachary Yarrow has brought logs for the fire.
He’s the estate gardener and brings with him not just passion and a love affair for Dane, but a strange, spine-tingling mystery.

Who is Zachary, and what will happen when Dane finds out?
Read a teaser
A tingle went down Dane’s spine. “Zachary, do you spend the entire off-season here—gardening, I mean?”
Zachary grinned. “Every night.”
The words were out of Dane’s mouth before he knew it. “I’m here for eight weeks, alone. You can stay here … if you want, instead of finding a hotel or other accommodations.” He cringed just a little. Did I sound needy?
Zachary’s eyes sparkled with happiness at the offer. He smiled and leaned over to place a hand on Dane’s arm. “Thank you, I do want to. I’d love to. No one’s actually offered before.”
A question popped into Dane’s mind, but he couldn’t quite form it. He knew there was something strange about Zachary’s statement, but pushed it away under a spell of attraction to the handsome man.
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing 
Find other teasers for The Night Gardener 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Put a face to the ghost in #MWTease #midweektease with #coverreveal for #MMromance The Night Gardener

Architect, Dane Lovell takes an off-season vacation in an old New England mansion, hoping to ease his broken heart, and spark his imagination. Impressed by the pretty gardens, he’s surprised by the sinister atmosphere of the river than winds through the estate. Dane settles down to his vacation and tries to immerse himself in his drawings. One night, the sound of the back door smashing open in the wind and rain shocks Dane from his work.
Spooky, gorgeous, and enigmatic Zachary Yarrow has brought logs for the fire.
He’s the estate gardener and brings with him not just passion and a love affair for Dane, but a strange, spine-tingling mystery.
Who is Zachary, and what will happen when Dane finds out?

Releasing Thursday March 9, tomorrow from E.D.Parr and Evernight Publishing 

Read the tease:

Janice Montgomery handed her husband, Jackson, a beer.

He took it with a grateful smile. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He sat heavily in his armchair and brought his feet up onto the footstool. “It’ll be great to get away. Have you packed?”

She came to sit on the arm of the chair and ran her fingers into his hair, taking it back from his forehead. She planted a kiss there. “I have. Have you finished work? Can we make an early start?”

Jackson caught her hand and kissed her palm. “All done. Let’s leave around six. We’ll miss the business traffic if we get out the other side of town before seven.”

A small frown put a crease between her eyes. “Jackson … have you mentioned Zachary to the guy leasing the cottage?”

Jackson pursed his lips. “Dane Lovell’s the guy’s name, and no I, er, I forgot.”

Janice stood. “I don’t think you forgot. I think you chickened out. Dinner’s ready. I’ll dish up.”

Jackson gazed after her. He heaved a sigh. Zachary…
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing 


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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

On the blog fab @AuthorHKCarlton with #MMromance #gayromance 'Adrenaline Lust'

An attending physician tutors his intern in more than just medicine...

Adrenaline Lust
H K Carlton

Follow intern Blaine Sproles as he navigates his fellowship in the emergency department of a busy hospital.
After a particularly gruesome trauma, Blaine and attending physician, Doctor Kin Jerome, find themselves in a post-adrenaline fueled tryst. A surprise encounter that leaves Blaine questioning not only his impetuous behavior but also his sexual orientation.
Though the more experienced Dr. Jerome sloughs it off as nothing more than adrenaline lust, a spontaneous burst of hormones after a traumatic experience, Blaine is not convinced and can’t stop thinking about it or the handsome older physician.
Working so closely, the normally heterosexual men explore an intimate relationship built on mutual respect, caring and smoldering attraction. But it’s uncharted territory for both men.
Can it truly last? Or will it fizzle out just as quickly as it began, proving, the original hypothesis, that adrenaline lust is nothing more than a flash of hormonal desire without the need of emotional attachment or longevity?
Publisher Note: gay-for-you, just-for-now, erotica


Blaine sat in the quiet cafeteria, with large textbooks set out all over the long banquet style table.

Absently, he shoved a French fry dripping with gravy into his mouth as he read the same passage for the second time.

Unexpectedly, someone reached over his shoulder and snagged a limp fry from the Styrofoam container.

“What’s all this, Sproles?”

It was the first time he and Dr. Jerome had been on the same rotation since the incident in the locker room. His body reacted the moment he recognized the deep voice behind him. Snippets of their encounter in the shower flitted through his mind, as it had sporadically ever since it’d happened. Especially when he tried to sleep. Stupidly, he’d thought it would be the excessive blood he wouldn’t be able to erase, but instead he couldn’t seem to get Dr. Jerome out of his mind. And every time he relived it, he sported a massive boner and had no choice but to relieve it. If he kept it up, at this rate, he’d contract Carpal Tunnel.

But his biggest fear was that what happened would change their dynamic and the ease with which they worked together.

He looked up to find Kin standing over him chowing down on his dinner.

Blaine had to take a deep breath before he could answer. “Uhh, you know, I’m trying to decide on a topic for the dreaded culminating thesis. My proposal is due in a month.”

With easy-going confidence, the attending spun one of the chairs around backward, then straddled the seat. “So what have you narrowed it down to?”

“Stem ce...”

“Overdone,” Kin cut him off before he could finish. He even had the audacity to shut the book and push it away before peering at the next open journal. “What else ya got?”

“If you’d let me finish my thought...”

“Oh, you are gonna make a good ER doc.” Kin grinned as he pinched another chip.

“... stem cells and regenerative vascular medicine.”

“Okay.” Slowly, he nodded. “What else?” he asked sternly.

“Well, as you can see,” Blaine gestured over the pages. “The chronic complications of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis.”

“I sense a theme here, Dr. Sproles.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Kin squinted. “Are you thinking of changing your specialty?”

Noncommittally, he rolled his shoulder.

“Our recent trauma victim really got to you, huh?” The creases around Kin’s eyes deepened.

“I can’t stop thinking about it.”

The handsome physician averted his gaze and stared at the tabletop. “Yeah, me too,” he answered softly, giving Blaine the distinct impression it wasn’t only the medical aspect of the case he’d been mulling over. Something else they had in common.

It took Blaine another second to gather his thoughts. All he could think about was the ER doc’s skilled hand firmly and skillfully bringing him to climax. He placed his arm in his lap to cover yet another burgeoning erection.

“Uhh,” he started shakily. “Or ya know, I could disprove the psychology behind adrenaline lust,” he blurted what was really on his mind.

Slowly, Kin raised his slate blue gaze. For a suspended moment, they shared a pointed stare. The corner of Kin’s generous mouth curved, but only the one side. It wasn’t quite a smile, more amusement than anything.

“Good luck with that.”

“You really believe that, don’t you?” Blaine watched him carefully.

“Sure. We see it all the time. Sometimes it’s victims falling for first responders. Others it’s two victims who turn to one another for comfort after surviving some catastrophic event they’ve endured. Sometimes it’s doctors and nurses or paramedics. Cops. Fireman. It’s a trauma bond. It’s what happened to us the other night. I call it adrenaline lust.
Others call it post-traumatic sex. It happens, Sproles. It’s a stress reliever, a release. Like any other. It’s a base human response.”

He stood and turned the chair back around, sliding it in up tight to the table. “But it’s also something the administration would rather not acknowledge exists. They’d never approve the submission.”

He turned to leave, but not before Blaine noted the unmistakable bulge in his standard blue emergency room scrubs.

“Yeah, a base human response,” he repeated under his breath. And they were both still boned up over it.

Before Kin reached the exit, Blaine called, “Hey, what was your final thesis, anyway?”

The side of Kin’s mouth stretched. “Stem cells, of course.”

Blaine rolled his eyes as Kin disappeared down the corridor.

H K Carlton
Social Media

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Spooky #MMromance #SexySnippets from March 9 Evernight Publishing release 'The Night Gardener'

#SexySnippets is from Thursday March 9 release
The Night Gardener, E.D.Parr and Evernight Publishing
#MMromance a spooky little love story
Sexy Snippets are 7 sentences from a WIP or published work brought to you each Sunday

Read the snippet

There’s something magical about Zachary… Dane gave a rapid shake of his head, as if the physical movement could dislodge the strange thought, because he didn’t mean Zachary was delightful, even though he thought that, too—Dane meant supernatural.
Zachary stood and took the pace to where Dane sat. He leaned over Dane, and in a mesmerizingly slow move, he brought his lips to Dane’s mouth. The unexpected kiss set Dane’s heart pounding with the tenderness and extraordinary sweetness it contained. Instinctively, he lifted his hands to run his fingers into Zachary’s hair and hold his head to prolong the kiss. Streaks of pleasure thrilled down his stomach and hardened his cock.

When Zachary drew away, Dane had a difficult time letting him go.

Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing March 9 release MM romance 

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

He had it all then in the blink of an eye, it was gone. #MMromance release #giveaway tour stop

by A.L. Simpson

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance (heat level: hot)

Present Day

My name is Tyler Maxwell Alexander. I'm twenty-eight years old.

A few months ago, I had it all. An executive job in a prestigious investment firm owned by my father. Ha! Yeah, right - father. I'll explain about that later.

I lived in a waterfront apartment overlooking the harbor and drove a Mercedes convertible. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone. All of it. Everything, except the fucking clothes on my back. I was broken. A bastard.

Did I mention, I'm gay? No? Oh well, I have now.

This is the story of how my fairytale life turned to shit in the blink of an eye.......


The Past

Joshua Alexander barges into my office, no polite knock at the door, no excuse me, how's your day? He glares at the files strewn on my desk before training his angry gaze onto me. "Pope file, now."

I rummage through the pile, locate the Pope investment file, and thrust it in my father's direction. He snatches it from me and turns to leave.

"They won't stay. We can't offer them the return the Phillips can. He said he would leave half with me but that's it."

Dad swings around and pins me with narrowed eyes. "Thinking like that will get you fucking nowhere in this business. Half is not good enough. Samuel won't take no for an answer, he'll demand they keep it all with us." He storms from my office and I can't resist giving him the bird behind his back. Yeah, real mature I know.

Samuel is my brother, three years younger than my twenty-six years and mom and dad's golden child. Literally. While I have hair as black as coal and pale gray eyes, my brother is surfie blonde with clear ice blue eyes. The image of my father. I'm tall at six feet seven inches, he is average at five feet eleven inches. My body is hard with washboard abs I work hard to keep. Samuels is soft with a little too much fat around the middle. In looks we are poles apart. In temperament, we are planets apart.

I'm easy going, slow to anger. A loner and a little on the shy side. Samuel is a mean motherfucker like our dad and has a deadly short fuse. Fuck, his temper could blow you into outer space. Brothers we might be, friends, we are not. Hell, we don't even like each other, can't even stand to be in the same room together most of the time.

We all work downtown at Alexander's Investment Corporation. It was my grandfather's business, handed down to my father. One day, being the eldest son, it will be mine.

When I finally take control, if there is a business left to take control of, changes will be made. We miss out on, and are losing, accounts because of dad's and Samuel's greed. Our commission is one of the highest in the city. As I said - greed. The only thing keeping most accounts with us, and the business afloat, is loyalty to my father. God only knows why! We also have a high success rate in recommendations. Or should I say, I have a high success rate. Not to blow my own trumpet but, Dad and Samuel are shit when it comes to selecting successful investments. They don't study the market and make snap decisions which usually backfire. Big time.

Anyway, as I was saying, clients stay because of our, read my, success in making them money. Other firms take lower commissions but their success rate is around sixty percent on average. Mine is ninety percent.


I have always loved to write and have a vivid and overactive imagination.

In my spare time, when I’m not writing, I love to walk, read and shop.

I believe no mountain is too hard to climb, no river is too wide to span and no journey is too difficult to complete. I follow my dreams and I urge and encourage others to do the same.

With a positive attitude, the impossible can become possible.