Monday, April 24, 2017

Best Worst Ever @LDBlakeley #MMRomance #ContemporaryRomance rerelease #teaser

Thanks for having me on today to tell you about Best Worst Ever. This story was my very first to be published so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I recently had my rights reverted, and knew I didn't want this novella to simply fade away. So I decided to give my boys a bit of a spruce-up. I redid the cover art, revised and edited the story and made it available once more. I hope you enjoy. :-)

Best Worst Ever By L.D. Blakeley
Erotic Romance, MM, Friends-to-Lovers
Available: April 13, 2017
Published: LDB Books

Carey English spends his days planning extravagant parties and lavish weddings and generally making people’s lives brighter. He spends his nights wishing for a man he doesn’t have to share and who won’t try to drag him back into the closet. It doesn’t help that the man he wants most doesn’t need a closet to begin with — his straight best friend, Sky.

Skyler Wood has been dumped — again — just days before the holiday season, leaving him with an ex-fiancée, a nonrefundable New Year’s Eve getaway rental, and nothing to ring in the New Year but a broken heart. For Carey, rushing off to offer Sky a shoulder will either be the best decision he’s ever made—or it will lead to the worst heartbreak he’s ever experienced.

✽This is an edited & revised version of a previously published story. It has been expanded by approximately 1,400 words.✽


Barnes & Noble

Coming soon to:
✽ GooglePlay


BEST WORST EVER - L.D. BLAKELEYIf there was one thing he knew about Sky, it was that he was as frugal as the day was long. And, judging by the other places he’d passed along the way, he was guessing the impressive exterior of this place matched a rather swanky, if not romantic, interior. Of course, idiot. Sky had rented the place thinking he’d be with his fiancée. Not his best friend.

He parked next to his friend’s SUV and stubbornly grabbed more than he could carry at once. Why make two trips when you can do it in one? Necessity might be the mother of invention, but laziness was definitely its big, bad daddy. Laden down with a suitcase and far too many bags of food and liquor, Carey used the toe of his boot to gently knock at the front door. “Sky? You in there? My hands are full, man, come open the door.” When there was no response, he tried again with the tip of his boot. “Mr. Darcy, are—”

His sentence was cut short as the door flew open. “Jesus! Hold your horses, Logan. I couldn’t hear you with the water running. I was just in the…”

Shower. He’d been in the shower. Carey knew this, not because he suddenly had the ability to read minds. Oh, no. He knew this because there, in front of him, stood all six foot four inches of Darcy Skyler Wood… dripping wet with nothing but a towel slung low around his hips. Shit.

Don’t stare. Don’t stare at that solitary drop of water as it slowly slides its way between the hard, flat planes of those perfect pecs. And for the love of all that’s holy, do not stare at anything even remotely near the edge of that towel! But Carey never was any good at taking orders.


L.D. Blakeley is a pragmatist with a romantic soul & a dirty mind. She loves horror movies, hot sex, and happily ever afters. She’s easily distracted by shiny things, and is a slightly neurotic, highly ambitious dreamer who enjoys dabbling in photography & pretending she can carry a tune.

In another life, L.D. was a newspaper reporter, an entertainment & music writer, travel writer, website content editor, and a marketing shill. Now she prefers to spend her time writing hot, steamy fiction (with a healthy dose of romance) about intriguing, sexy men. Although she dreams of living some place isolated with an endless supply of wine and an infinite number of titles on her eReader, she currently lives in downtown Toronto with her husband and their rock star cat.

Find L.D. online:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Sunday, April 23, 2017

He didn't give Matt time to change his mind #SexySnippets #MMromance

For #SexySnippets this week we have 7 sexy sentences from one of E.D.Parr's next Evernight
Publishing MM romances
Given Time

“Just this touch is reducing me to mush.”
He kissed Matt, gently, soaking up the feel of Matt’s skin against his nose. He thrust his hips so that his lower body crushed on Matt’s and the unmistakable shape of Matt’s cock, hard and bulging in his pants met Angel’s cock. A low groan escaped Angel and he deepened the kiss, clinging to Matt, as his legs weakened and his heart pounded.

Matt pushed his arms around Angel’s neck, and Angel’s hands fell away from the grip on his shoulders. 
Matt’s murmur penetrated Angel’s haze of pleasure. “I can’t even think straight, but I know I want you naked in my arms.”
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing soon to be released 'Given Time'
#SexySnippets are seven sentences from a published work or WIP brought to you each Sunday
HOP to the next #SexySnippet
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It's #midweekteaser time and @parr_books has a #teaser from upcoming #MMromance release 'Given Time'

This week's #midweektease comes from E.D.Parr and one of the  upcoming MMromance
releases from Evernight Publishing
Given Time
Music video maker, Angel Starc is about to board a plane to Paris when he receives some sudden sad news. It takes him hurrying back to his childhood home after two years away, estranged from his older brother, Rory.
Angel is amazed and filled with guilt when that night he meets the only man he’s found romantically attractive in a long time. How can it be right? He should only be filled with sorrow, but gorgeous, caring Matt Loewe wraps him in a blanket of comfort and love that heals Angel’s troubled soul.
Delectable, artist, Matt Loewe, follows his hunches and his heart. He’s been looking for love and Angel ignites an addictive passion in him.
As the two men fall deep in love they provide each other with the care needed to come to terms with their past anxieties.

A delicious love story with HEA
Read the #midweek teaser 

Angel shifted in his arms. “Tell me all about yourself, Matt.” He settled against Matt’s body wanting to share information that might bind them together. There was something so right about this encounter.

“I never know what to tell people when they say that. Ask me questions, instead.”

“I get that. I’m the same. I looked in my brother’s studio and there was nothing—no preliminary sketches, no photographs, no sign of an impending work. What do you make of that since you came here to work with him?”

Matt shuffled along the bed to look into Angel’s eyes. “He must have already taken everything to the exhibition space. We have a studio booked in the art complex to work on the sculpture. Why do you ask? I am legit. I’m not spinning you some story to get you in bed.”

Angel ran his hand along Matt’s shoulder. “Hell, that’s not what I meant at all. I wondered if maybe, because he’d been ill, he’d not been working. I have no doubt you’re legit. I’m sorry. That wasn’t a question about your integrity. Tell me about your work.”

“He was ill? There was no hint of that in the correspondence. I’m sorry to hear it. As for my work, I recently ventured into what’s fondly termed social comment sculpture. Your brother and I were going to make a street scene using photographs I’ve taken as inspiration. I usually paint.”

Angel watched the play of emotion in Matt’s eyes. He waited until Matt finished the sentence and then kissed him.
Copyright E.D.Parr 2017 Evernight Publishing June release 
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

“I could barely keep my hands off you in the cab.” #MMromance #midweektease #teaser @EncompassInk

Midweek Tease from A Forever Kind of Thing
M/M romance 
Businessman Will has hoped to meet musician Josh for so long, he’s astonished and elated when Josh finally notices and pursues him at one of the band’s gigs.
After a heady night of love, Josh is devastated when Will turns out to be a millionaire. He’s not a hustler. He couldn’t take and he couldn’t compete. He retreats into his music.
Will is sure they could have something special and tries to prove his love for Josh in the only way he knows how. Trouble is—it’s the wrong way.
Josh is shocked to discover he can’t forget Will.
They want each other. Their chemistry is scorching. Their encounters erotic.
But Josh is running in the opposite direction as Will longs to love him.
Can love triumph?
A fun gay erotic romance 

Read the #midweekteaser

He let them into his East Seventh Street apartment and stopped in the tiny hallway to throw his keys onto the narrow table there.

As he turned, Will pulled him close. “I could barely keep my hands off you in the cab.”

His low voice sent spears of anticipation through Josh’s lower stomach and a delicious prickle of desire in his balls.

Josh pushed his arms around Will’s neck. “Fucking kiss me before I go nuts.”

Will’s kiss seared raw sexual need so strongly into Josh’s body, he groaned loudly, and moved his arms from around Will’s neck, to grab Will’s ass, and ram his own iron hard erection against Will. “Fuck me, fuck me,” he murmured between hungry kisses.

Will gently drew away. He held Josh around the face and whispered so close to Josh’s lips, tingles teased along his jaw. “I’ve never … I’ve never done it.”

A wave of tenderness mingled with a desperate need to come made Josh’s voice hoarse.
“Change that to, suck me, suck me.” He grasped Will’s hand and pulled him into his bedroom. The shade was drawn and only a pale strip of light from the street glowed along one wall. He dragged Will’s jacket almost off, raining kisses over Will’s mouth, and biting at his ear.

Will helped take off his jacket. He dropped it onto the floor and then hesitated.

Josh grabbed the hem of Will’s T-shirt and pulled the shirt up and over Will’s head. He threw it to one side and stood back to take off his own shirt. The sight of Will’s hard, muscled torso made him shake, and he tore the neck of his T-shirt. That made him grin at Will, who gazed at him wide-eyed. “Take off your jeans before I rip them off you.” Josh laughed after he’d said it, and he pushed off his own jeans to stand naked waiting for Will.

Josh hungrily watched Will strip off his jeans and underwear. His cock throbbed and pre cum leaked across his stomach when the tip of his erection touched high on his muscles. He sheathed his cock in one fist and stroked up and down slowly. He sighed. The stroking only served to make him want more and he held out his arms to Will. He could hardly wait to have Will naked and rammed up against him. The feel of Will’s skin would be heaven.

Will took the few steps to be face to face with Josh. He reached out and took hold of Josh’s cock, moving close so that he could rub his own cock against Josh’s. With his eyes dark and passion flaming in every word, he murmured against Josh’s mouth. “You feel so good—so fucking good.”

His kiss devastated Josh. The alternate tenderness of soft lips and then Will’s hard searching tongue left him gasping for breath. He gripped Will by the hips and thrust as Will held their cocks together in both his strong hands. His ass seemed made of jello. His thighs weakened. He sucked Will’s bottom lip and then pushed his tongue against Will’s until Will moaned low.

Josh ached to come. He muttered rough sounds that meant nothing but simply came out of his mouth as he got closer to spilling his seed over Will’s hands. He made himself pull away.
“Bed … on the bed.”

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink 

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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Will their unexpected attraction to each other survive the dangers threatening to destroy them? New #MMromance #SciFi from @JJLore1 and @LoveUnleashed

Playboy Tellan knows other races consider his people spoiled and arrogant, but he’s determined to put aside fine sheets and elegant meals in order to search for a mythical Domidian elixir for his ailing sister. He’s also smart enough to realize he’ll need help staying alive in the unsettled wastes of the Empty Quadrant. Enter Jorant, an intimidating Atavaq who’s been genetically modified to be the perfect soldier. On the run from his past, Jorant accepts the task of protecting Tellan as they venture to a planet populated by tentacled monsters and space pirates. As they search for the potion, Jorant realizes his Domidian client isn’t as helpless as he’d assumed, and Tellan is intrigued every time the taciturn bodyguard speaks. Will their unexpected attraction to each other survive the dangers threatening to destroy them?

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Enjoy a behind the scenes exclusive from The Essent Quest
Jorant and Tellan’s Truth or Dare
By J. J. Lore

A clean bed, a full belly, and a securely locked door. Not to mention a warm, naked man sprawled next to him. Jorant sighed and luxuriated in the comforts. He and Tellan had survived numerous perils and were now on a ship, heading for Domid, planet of sophisticated amusements and great wealth. What would happen once they arrived, he didn’t know, but as a warrior he knew how to enjoy his down time and not go looking for trouble.
Tellan stirred and sent a firm arm scooting across Jorant’s abdomen. His Domidian partner was very tactile, something Jorant wasn’t used to in bed mates. Before it had always been pleasure, sleep, then on to a mission.
“Tell me you napped, at least.” Tellan pressed his face to Jorant’s arm and rolled closer. “You don’t need to be alert constantly anymore.”
“I did sleep.” The admission cost him nothing, and gained him a kiss on his shoulder.
“Of course you did. You needed to recover your strength after the vulgar demands I put upon you.” Tellan peered at him with a smug expression on his fine features. Jorant pressed his lips together so as not to smile back as some recently awakened part of his heart urged.
“I am strong.” Thinking of all the meanings underlying the word, Jorant sucked in a breath as his cock swelled under the light sheet covering him. “I’m ready.”
Tellan’s eyebrows lifted. Light from the dimmed illuminators above the bed highlighted the defined muscles of his chest and arm. Jorant wanted to touch again, wanted to feel Tellan’s body strain and shake against his own. “That sounds promising, but I’m not sure if I’m fully recovered.”
A gentle way to say he wasn’t ready for more sex. Jorant appreciated Tellan’s polite ways, much more so than the gruff demands or rejections he’d had from others in the past. “We can rest.”
Tellan sat up abruptly and Jorant suppressed his instinct to scan the room for a threat. They were safe here, safe for the first time in many days. “Let’s do something fun. We’ve been under so much pressure, it would be nice to relax.”
Sex and sleep were all the relaxation Jorant had ever needed. “What fun?”
“Admit or act.” Tellan’s face lit up like he’d said the most clever thing
“How is it enjoyable to list the crimes we’ve committed?” Domidians had strange notions, Jorant was learning, but this was taking matters to an extreme. He’d always had a reason for the things he’d done, but he didn’t want to shock Tellan with some of the more violent episodes.
With a chuckle, Tellan shook his head and scooted even closer to Jorant. He let his fingers drop to Jorant’s chest and move lightly, almost as if he didn’t realize what he was doing.
“Not crimes, nothing serious. This is a child’s game. You decide if you’ll tell me the truth when I ask you a question, and if you decline, you must accept a dare from me.”
What an odd way to be entertained. “I’ve always told you the truth.”
With a sigh, Tellan leaned down and brushed his lips against Jorant’s cheek. His cock stirred again.
“I know that. This isn’t a test or a way for me to trip you up. Just amusement.” Tellan’s voice was soft and low in Jorant’s ear, further enhancing his overwhelming sense of well-beining. He was glad Tellan was so near, so he could catch his musky scent.
“Then go ahead. Dare me to do something.”
Tellan laughed. “You would choose that. I already know you’re brave. I’d rather learn something new about you. You are so mysterious.”
With a frown, Jorant considered this. He’d always considered himself a simple man, all his traits obvious to even a casual observer. Not interesting. But Tellan leaned against him, studying him as if he was simply fascinating. “Fine. Ask a question. You won’t be entertained.”
Tellan licked his lips and narrowed his eyes. “Have you ever been in love?”
Jorant had been prepared to list how many men he’d killed, or how many lovers he’d had, so Tellan’s question confused him. “What do you mean?”
Tellan leaned over him and prodded his shoulder. “You know what I mean. Love. Finding someone who you’re willing to sacrifice for, wanting to share with, not be separated from.”
“You mean like a personal contract?” Jorant had heard of such things among Creig warriors. Men would find like-minded fellows and bunk together, aim for shared postings. Of course, if the Masters decided to separate them, there was nothing the men could do about it but leave each other. A little pang of sadness intruded in Jorant’s mind as he considered how difficult that must have been.
“More emotional than that, I think,” Tellan rested his hand on Jorant’s chest. He could probably feel Jorant’s heart beating at an increased rate. “Have you ever been thrilled to be near someone you just signed a contract with? Thought about them constantly?”
Jorant shook his head against the soft pillow underneath it. He’d never paid much attention to how he felt about anything, other than whatever might motivate him in a fight or find the will to continue a painful training session. He’d always assumed his genetic modifications had dulled such impulses. “No, I’ve never experienced that. Have you?”
“Is that the question you want me to answer? I was hoping you’d dare me.”

 JJ decided not to include this scene in the book 

About the author:
J. J. Lore has been interested in the dashing men who roam outer space since she was transfixed by Han Solo piloting the Millennium Falcon a long time ago in a theatre far, far away. Sadly, there is no way for her to join in the fun of intergalactic adventures unless she writes them, so that’s what she does whenever she isn’t taking care of the business of life. If you can’t find her typing madly on her sluggish keyboard, she’s probably poking around in a thrift store searching for the perfect pair of worn jeans or a vintage kachina bolo tie. These days she puts her anthropology degree to work when she whips up dishes from many different cultures, most of which benefit from a liberal dose of sriracha or a smear of green curry paste. Her favorite reading topics are costume history, epidemiology, and permaculture, all of which she’d like to work into a story if she’s suddenly overcome with a brilliant idea someday.

Twitter: @JJLore1

Friday, April 7, 2017

Dating for Deafies #MMromance #short from guest author @NikkaMichaels #deaf

In the Distance
By Nikka Michaels
Genre: M/M, LGBTQ, Romance, Gay Romance, Gay, Short Story, Deaf, deaf
Length: 4,253 Words
Release Date: 03/24/2017
Publisher: Bridge City Books

When freelance writer Evan York receives an email from handsome author Tristan Gaines by accident, he knows he shouldn’t click on the attachment. When he does, an attractive local author stares back at him and for a moment Evan wishes he wasn’t Deaf.
His dating experiences haven’t been the best so far with people of hearing and he relishes the flirting and exchange through email. When writing an e-mail, he’s just a regular guy. After he’s drafted into writing a post for his best friend’s Dating for Deafies blog, Evan realizes he’s more than just a deaf gay man. But will he find the courage to introduce himself?
Evan’s phone vibrated insistently in his pocket. He silenced it as he walked down the short hallway. When his eye caught the flash of movement on a collision course, he braced his body for impact. Six feet plus of male sent Evan stumbling a step backward as a low breath left his lips. Strong hands steadied him as Evan gripped the man’s leanly muscled forearms.
Evan sucked in a lungful of the delicious scent of coffee, spicy aftershave or cologne, and something masculine. The worried face of Tristan Gaines stared at him, and Evan felt his face flush. After feeling Tristan’s hard body pressed against his, he wanted more than just teasing emails. He wanted to taste how Tristan’s mouth and coffee blended together on his tongue. He wanted to watch those green eyes darken with lust. He wanted to feel the vibration of the man’s moans under his hand as he kissed down his stomach. He wanted Tristan.
Buy Links:
Universal Link for Apple iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and Inkterra:

Nikka Michaels lives in the rainy Pacific Northwest where she spends her time cooking, laughing and crafting romantic tales to satisfy her craving for HEAs with heat. A voracious reader, novice knitter and music lover she’s been known to multitask without breaking a sweat. She believes everyone deserves a love story.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

New #MMromance #SciFi from @JJLore1 and @sirenbookstrand 'Bittersweet Rivals'

Dhavi is on his way to getting the professional respect he knows he deserves. He’s landed a corporate sponsorship to be the first paleologist to prospect on a faraway planet, and finding a spectacular fossil there will set him up for life. But when he discovers his worst rival, and former friend, is also going to be there, years of resentment ignite his temper.
Breon is shocked to learn he’s sharing equipment with his old study partner on this important expedition, and he’s worried that the enmity between them will sabotage any potential discoveries they might make. Resolving to make the best of it, he tries to cooperate, but savage creatures, dangerous weather, and geologic hazards all conspire to make the fieldwork every bit as perilous as trying to ignore the attraction to Dhavi.
With the frosty ground shaking under their feet, Dhavi and Breon have to save each other, and in the process, heat up a shared sleeping bag. But when it comes time to return with their findings, those old hurts flare to life, sending them on their separate ways.
There’s one last chance for them at the exhibit opening, but are either of them brave enough to risk their hearts again?
Buy link:

Read an excerpt: 18+

Dhavi must had heard a smidge of encouragement tacked on to the delayed response, because he crowded even closer to Breon’s side and pressed his full lips to his neck, right in that spot that made Breon’s knee joints loosen. “Are you interested in men?”
“Yes, some,” Breon managed to croak out after a fraught pause. Dhavi rose beside him, his face a shadow in the fragmented light of the shelter. The cold wind outside kicked up a notch and Breon shivered, relishing Dhavi’s weight along his side.
“Really? I never knew.”
“You never asked.”
“I never caught you looking, not once. Even when Olad would wander through the common room half naked and sweaty after a plekko match. Remember him? He was astonishingly attractive.” Dhavi almost laughed. “Do you like how I look?”
“Yes.” Breon’s breath disappeared as he tried to speak. His body was as tense as if an electrical charge was coursing through and he thought he might die if Dhavi kissed him. Dhavi leaned down and Breon’s heart stuttered in his chest, but it kept beating, hard enough he wondered if Dhavi could hear it.
Without another word, Dhavi leaned down and bumped his nose to Breon’s. A puff of his breath flickered across Breon’s lips, then he gingerly pressed his mouth to Breon’s. Incoherent thoughts careened through his mind as Dhavi slowly shifted his lips, then took a slow, inexorable nibble on first the upper, then the lower. Was his breath fresh? Did he smell of sweat and fear? Was that Dhavi’s hard cock rubbing against his hip as Dhavi flexed his body above him? Commanding his scattered brain to shut up, Breon reached up and tentatively rubbed his palm along Dhavi’s back, his fingers sliding up and down all that bare skin, along swells of muscle, hoping he didn’t accidentally brush against a bruise.
Dhavi slid his tongue between Breon’s lips and waited a bit as if to ask whether it was permissible. When Breon opened his mouth, Dhavi rumbled out a pleased noise and deepened the kiss, always with a pause before every new movement. Breon’s cock throbbed and without much thought he reached down and squeezed himself, then cupped his balls, urging his body to calm down. A kiss was a matter of attraction and entreaty, not a promise of sex.
“Why did you stop touching … ah, I understand,” Dhavi whispered. “Let me do that.”
It was difficult for Breon to believe that the man he’d wanted for so long, even through the long estrangement, was now embracing him, was now nudging his hand away so he could measure and grasp Breon’s cock. Dhavi licked at his neck as he stroked up and down Breon’s length through the layers of quilted thermal garments.
“I’d wondered about this. Did you ever think about about mine?”
“Yes.” Breon knew he was gasping, but couldn’t do anything about his lack of control. Dhavi rocked his hip against Breon, which he took as an invitation, one he was almost afraid to take. He wanted Dhavi, had always wanted him, it seemed, but now that the time had arrived, he was shaking with insecurity. A large part of him couldn’t even believe this was happening.
“Touch me.” Dhavi nosed at Breon’s jaw as if to urge him on.
“I…” Breon gulped and was immediately ashamed. He was nearly mute like an untested youth, hardly an attractive trait.
“We need this, don’t we?” Dhavi touched the tip of his tongue to the corner of Breon’s mouth.
“Yes.” Breon relented, accepting this would happen. Even if it didn’t live up to the fantasy, it was still something he would not deny. With that acceptance, his body performed a curious, simultaneous relaxation and escalation of tension. With a jolt, he remembered Dhavi’s request, and fumbled his way to his waist, allowing his hand to trace along Dhavi’s hipbone before travelling lower. When his fingertips encountered Dhavi’s rigid cock jutting out from the soft fabric of his undershorts, his own member throbbed. Breon listened to Dhavi whisper encouragement in his ear as he rubbed his fingers along the length. As his reward, he received an answering caress in turn.
It was so warm under the blanket, sweat broke out all over his skin.
His muscles tightened as the breath caught in his throat. Dhavi kept touching, skimming one hand along Breon’s chest, pressing his lips to his neck, then returning his attention to Breon’s aching cock. When Dhavi slid his palm lower to cup Breon’s balls, he gasped aloud as his hips arched up. He lost hold of Dhavi and thoughtlessly threaded his fingers into his hair, the bedding, anything he might grip to keep himself on the bed. Pulses shot through his calves and thighs as his cock strained. Dhavi coiled above him, still kissing, still stroking and intent on Breon’s body. In agony, Breon tugged at his pants, desperate to free himself, needing Dhavi’s skin to slide against his with primal urgency.
His hands tangled with Dhavi’s and he hoped desperately he didn’t misunderstand, didn’t think he was pushing away. His cock was caught in folds of stretchy fabric and he yelped out a curse of frustration.

“Let me,” Dhavi whispered directly into his ear, and again, Breon sank back, shifting his body to allow Dhavi to untangle him. As soon as Dhavi’s hand slid up his length and closed over the head of his cock, Breon pressed his head against the mattress, his eyes tightly shut as his impulses took over. Warm and firm strokes, one after the other in an unrelenting rhythm made his knees draw up and his thighs open as if his body was begging for unrestrained access. Dhavi rubbed his thumb along the underside of his cock in a knowing stimulation. He was reeling with the crushing realization Dhavi was touching him so intimately, like the dreams he’d entertained so shamefully. Reality was infinitely better.

About the author:
J. J. Lore has been interested in the dashing men who roam outer space since she was transfixed by Han Solo piloting the Millennium Falcon a long time ago in a theatre far, far away. Sadly, there is no way for her to join in the fun of intergalactic adventures unless she writes them, so that’s what she does whenever she isn’t taking care of the business of life. If you can’t find her typing madly on her sluggish keyboard, she’s probably poking around in a thrift store searching for the perfect pair of worn jeans or a vintage kachina bolo tie. These days she puts her anthropology degree to work when she whips up dishes from many different cultures, most of which benefit from a liberal dose of sriracha or a smear of green curry paste. Her favorite reading topics are costume history, epidemiology, and permaculture, all of which she’d like to work into a story if she’s suddenly overcome with a brilliant idea someday.

Twitter: @JJLore1


Monday, April 3, 2017

On preorder now #MMromance #PNR from @SheaOnTwitter

“Overcoming Stereotypes M/M, Miracle Book 4”
by Shea Balik
Genre: Gay/Paranormal/Urban
Release Date: April 3, 2017
In a world where everyone was against them, they needed a Miracle. What no one had expected was to find their salvation in an abandoned town that was ready to collapse. Yet, that is exactly what happened when they moved to the town of Miracle, Oregon.
Kellach Alder hadn’t been given a chance in life to be the man he knew he could be. It never occurred to him that if he wanted others to see him differently, he would have to stand up and be the person he wanted to be.
Trygg Snow was sent to kill Kellach and his friends. Already conflicted about his mission, Trygg knew he wouldn’t be able to complete his assignment when he came face to face with his mate. If only Kellach, a mountain lion shifter, would look past the fact that Trygg was a wolf shifter.
Against all odds, and an army headed their way to destroy them all, Trygg and Kellach must find a way past their differences if they are to survive. The only way to achieve that is by Overcoming Stereotypes.
Free Reading Apps Available
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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday meme #SexySnippets from #MMromance 'Wren and Deverel' @EncompassInk

#SexySnippets are seven sentences taken from a WIP or published work each Sunday 
From Wren and Deverel

Lucian Wren and Beau Deverel have always been friends. They think they know everything about each other, but they both hide a secret desire. They’re devoted to each other, but they’ve never revealed the depth of their feelings.
When Lucian starts a private investigation service, and Beau joins him in the fledgling agency, little do they know what a delicious, close encounter on their first case will lead to.
This case is bizarre. Is there a hidden reason the client has chosen their newly formed agency for such an important job?
As Beau and Lucian dive headlong into the mystery, their relationship deepens, and their friendship changes forever.
Erotic, romantic—a friends to lovers gay mystery, romance novel.

Read the #SexySnippet

He waited for Lucian and then pulled him into the shower stall under the spray of soothing warm water. “Let me.” He took the soap from the holder tiled into the shower wall and spread lather over Lucian’s body.
Lucian closed his eyes. He leaned a hand on the wall. “I could sleep here, in the warm water with your hands all over me.”
Happiness brought a smile to Beau’s face. 

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2016 Encompass Ink 

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